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It was bright and early in the morning.

Everyone woke up to Jackies clapping and yelling to get everyones attention. She told everyone her idea and everyone seemed to hop on board.

Her plan is too have everyone split in pairs while doing certain tasks to get the team settled down for their wilderness lifestyle.

Except this time, you wouldn't get to choose your partners but it'd be based on different skills. They would have groups such as hunting, material gathering, tool making, and they continued to think of more as they went on.

Luckily for the hunting proportion their was a loaded gun in the abandoned cabin. They all took turns shooting but unfortunately so far, Travis was the only one who could shoot the greatest. As you can imagine he bluffed and bluffed being the only guy able to use a gun and how of course the girls couldn't. Travis is a dick.

Nat was up next to shoot. The last and final one to take a turn. Everyone didn't know that this wasn't Nat's first time with a gun. Here came Travis to get in her head to try and mess her up. He was saying rude shit and comments about Nat to get under her skin. Lottie noticed it was getting out of control to the point Nat couldn't focus. She simply stepped in.

"Travis just leave her alone for one fucking second you moron." This ticked off Travis even more. He started getting more harsh with the things he said. Lottie finally stood up and got in his face with her finger pointing to him.

"You think you're so fucking tough since you're the only guy out here besides coach and your little brother. So you automatically think you're the shit now huh? that you run things around here? We all know what you were known for back in school so don't try to act like the boss now. Back the fuck off." Everyone went silent.

Everyone was shocked to see Lottie go off on him like that. He was fuming. Since it was silent Nat finally let off her shot and bam! PERFECT! Everyone continued to stay in shock. Nat was even better than Travis. Travis had so much rage filled inside of him. He smacked the gun out of Nat's causing her to be pushed down to the ground so he could point the gun at Lottie.

"Do it. I fucking dare you. I'm not afraid of you." While Lottie spoke in anger at Travis, The rest of the team was yelling at him to put the gun down. Everyone was yelling so loud he finally just shot it up into the air. Lottie snarked at him knowing he wouldn't do such a thing. Travis stormed back into the cabin locked away.

Nat walked up to Lottie to make sure she was okay. Nat proceeded to wipe the anger tears off of Lotties face, "You're okay right, i'm so glad you're safe. Thank you for standing up for me." Nat said hoping Lottie would feel how grateful she was.

Lottie nodded as she spoke, "No need to thank me i just wanna keep you safe. Yes i'm okay, thanks for caring. Nice shot by the way! Lottie let those words roll right off her tongue so softly in the most perfect tone. Nat was blushing. That was the sweetest interaction she's ever had with anyone. She appreciates Lottie so much. So much more than Lottie even realizes.

Unfortunately due to skill wise Travis and Nat still had to be paired up together. Both of them hated the idea. Lottie came up to Nat before they went off. "Are you sure you're gonna be okay to go with him Nat? He better not talk to you like that again." She said it loud enough so Travis could over hear. He walked past rolling his eyes.

"You'll be fine without your girlfriend for a a little while relax." He said snarking at Lottie. "She's not-" Nat was cutoff by a pissed off Lottie, "I swear to god Travis if you guys come back and she tells me you lied a finger or said something slick to her-" She clenched her jaw giving him a death stare not finishing her sentence. "OoOoOh i'm soooo scared." Travis said sarcastically laughing under his breath at her.

Nat walked up to Lottie and put her hands on her shoulders. "Please don't worry about me i'm gonna be okay and when I get back we can spend the rest of the day together okay? Just calm down for me" Nat said looking her in the eyes moving one of her hands off her shoulder to move the hair out of her face. "I'll be back later." Nat said still looking in her eyes. "Stay safe." Lottie said as she watched Nat walk off with Travis.

Just started walking with Travis and I hate this already. Even just his presence ticks me off. I miss only having to be around Lottie all day.

We kept on walking. It was a pretty silent walk. Until we came across a deer. Travis told me to look over where it was and for me to drop down and stay quiet. I got close to him too see if he was aiming correctly, "You're not gonna hit it aiming that way." I was trying to give him constructive criticism but of course he got pissed. "Okay then you shoot it." He said thinking I wouldn't be able to.

Then BAM! I got it! First try, no hesitation, it was dead. "Nice shot." I couldn't believe he said that. The last thing I wanted to do was thank Travis. I just looked at him and nodded.

"You know i'm only being nice to you because of Lottie." He said to me when I looked away. "Wow you're doing an amazing job." I said back to him sarcastically. "What are you afraid of her or something?" "No." Travis replied with some sass.

"Are you and Lottie.. a thing?" My heart sank as I looked over to him. I was panicking. "What do you mean a thing??" I felt my face getting sweaty. "You know like are you guys together or do you like her?" My breathing picked up a bit heavier. "Were just friends."

Travis nodded at me then their was a bit of silence. "We should go grab the deer." I blurted out. We both walked over to the deer in silence then Travis started talking about Lottie again.

"I just noticed I always see you two together when I look at you." I didn't say anything back but what was he looking at me for? "I just only have my brother to hang out with here. I know he's my brother but still. I'd like someone else to hang with... I'm sure he'd like you." Travis said as we picked up the deer. Was he asking me to hang out with him? "Cool." was the only thing I could think of to say. "You're so fucking lame Natalie. You don't know how to talk to people at all. I don't even know why I asked. I don't even know why Lottie seems to be so into you." He scolded at me as he walked back with the deer. I started to tear up. "I'm sorry." Fuck why was I apologizing to him.

I helped him carry back the deer. The whole team was excited. I saw Lottie clapping and cheering as she looked at me. It felt good to see her face again. She ran up to me jumping into my arms giving me a big hug it almost knocked me to the ground. I always hated touch but why is it so enjoyable when Lottie does it? "I'm so glad you're okay." She said as I decided to put my arms around her squeezing her tight.

A few tears dropped my eyes as I had my head over her shoulder. She pulled me back to look at my face as she was jumping up and down still cheering me on until she saw my tears. "Oh my god Nat what's wrong?"

I didn't know what to say. I don't know why this made me cry. "I'm just happy to see you." I watched her as her gaze softened and a small smiled appeared on her face. "I missed you too Natalie." She said smiling even more hugging me again.

I buried my head in her shoulder as I gripped my hands on her back. Why am I feeling this way? Why is her soft tone voice as she looks down to me speaking making me feel so... safe and I don't know.. Everything I wanna feel.

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