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I whisper yelled as I walked into his bathroom, he open the door to his shower and began to smile at me,

'you joining me?',

Jace asked me, I smiled at him slightly looking up and down his body before regaining my focus,

'as much as I would love to someone is at your door',

I said pointing towards the direction of the door, he smiled at me,

'well you can either answer the door or you can join me in the shower so you don't have to open the door',

Jace said moving closer to me, my breath slightly hitched my eyes focusing on the water on his abs,

'b-but what about the person at door?',

I asked him slightly stuttering, Jace smiled at me, he grabbed onto my hands,

'I say we just ignore it',

Jace said moving his hands to my sides and beginning to kiss my neck. The doorbell rang again. I took a step back from him,

'please go answer the door Jace ',

I said to him, he began to smile at me and nodded his head,

'why don't you come do it with me?'.

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