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'has anyone seen y/n?',

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'has anyone seen y/n?',

I heard Jace ask as he walked through he hallways, I looked at Izzy slightly concerned. I quickly walked into the nearest room,Izzy stood outside of the room,

'have you seen y/n anywhere?',

Jace asked standing directly outside of the room, I tried to stop my tears so he wouldn't hear me,

'maybe you can give me an answer rather than just ignoring my question',

Jace said the tone in his voice turning to be slightly annoyed. Izzy went silent, I tried to stop my sobs but it was too late,

'is that y/n?',

I heard Jace ask his voice becoming concerned, he became closer to door,

'no that is-my friend',

Izzy said not confident whatsoever, I heard a banging on the door,

'y/n open up',

Jace yelled, I stayed quiet not wanting him to hear me,

'Maybe she's helping out the Ops centre I heard they're a fairly swamped today',

Izzy said trying to make up and excuse, I heard Jace sigh loudly signifying that he was getting annoyed. I took a deep breath realising that I was going to have see at some point in the today, I stood up and walked over to the door slowly opening it. Jace looked up from the ground and immediately walked closer to me pulling me into his arms,

'it's all gonna be okay baby'.

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