Chapter three | Two can play dear wife

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Rian's POV

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Rian's POV

I rise from bed shortly after Aria leaves for work, a sigh of relief escaping my lips as I hear the door close behind her. I find it challenging to start my day on a positive note when she's around, her presence casting a shadow over what should be an auspicious beginning. I'm not usually one to believe in such things, but with Aria in my life, I've started to consider their significance.

I stand by my decision not to play the role of a doting husband. Sharing a room with the person responsible for turning both our lives upside down is difficult enough. The idea of pretending to be in love with her is simply unthinkable.

After some time, I force myself to get up and start my day. I gather my clothes and take a quick shower, emerging from the bathroom in a navy blue dress shirt tucked into tan-colored pants. I enter the kitchen, intending to make coffee, only to find that it's already been prepared.

I pour myself a cup, preferring my coffee black with a touch of sugar. I grab a bowl and milk from the fridge, adding Weet-Bix and milk while distracted by my work emails. As I take a bite, the taste is both sweet and sour, with an unexpected chunky texture.

I spit the cereal back into the bowl and gulp down my coffee to cleanse my palate, accidentally spilling a few drops on the counter. I notice chunks in the milk and a tinge of green. Upon closer inspection, I realize the milk has been tampered with.

Realization hits me as I rush to the bathroom mirror, only to discover my teeth and lips stained green. Anger surges through me as I understand that this was Aria's petty attempt at revenge.

I curse under my breath, knowing I can't afford to be late for work. I quickly grab my laptop and files, leaving the apartment with a mask to cover my green-tinged face. Aria may have won this round, but I vow to myself that I'll be ready for her next move. This is a game I'm now determined to play, and I won't let her have the last laugh.

Two can play this dear wife.

'Congratulations on your marriage!'

The constant stream of congratulations has been grating on my nerves since I arrived at the office fifteen minutes ago. I maintain a polite facade, thanking everyone with a forced smile.

"Morning sir, the boss is looking for you," an employee informs me. I nod in acknowledgment and head towards my partner's office, wondering what could be so urgent this early in the day.

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