Chapter six | Transfer

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Aria's POV

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Aria's POV

Just as I finished preparing the couch with a blanket and pillow for Rian to sleep on, a loud knocking interrupted the silent night. It was more like banging than knocking, which struck me as odd considering it was midnight.

Cautiously, I approached the front door, making sure to stay quiet as I peered through the peephole to see who it was. To my surprise, it was Rian. I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction, remembering how he had come home at 4 am the previous night. I had been debating whether or not to let him in, ultimately deciding against it as I felt he deserved the consequences of his actions.

Yet again, I found myself contemplating whether to open the door for him, as it seemed he still hadn't learned his lesson. Earlier today, I had I found a note on my car saying someone hit it. I called the number on the note to find out more. The person on the other end apologized and said my car has some minor damage. I couldn't see anything, and spent hours trying to find something, and it was driving me crazy.

Only to discover it was a prank by Rian and his friend.

Mature, I know.

Eventually, I decided to open the door, but my anger quickly subsided as I noticed something off about Rian's demeanor. His posture was unsteady, and he seemed to be having trouble standing upright and that horrid smell!

"Why are you drunk!?" I coughed, when I couldn't breathe in the toxic smell any longer.

"Incredibly intoxicated. What are you going to do about it?" he slurred, his tone challenging.

I remained silent, glaring at him. There was no point in trying to reason with someone who was drunk, especially someone as drunk as Rian. I was genuinely surprised he hadn't passed out yet.

"I won't do a thing, I'll just go to bed and cry like I always do." He mimicked in a mocking tone, answering for me. Without another word, he rudely pushed past me and made his way to the sofa, plopping down without a care.

Just as I was about to lock the bedroom door, Rian barged his way in and collapsed onto the bed.

"Get out. I prepared pillows and a blanket for you on the couch," I demanded, my voice cold as ice.

Ignoring my words, he proceeded to blast the music on the TV. Too tired and drained to argue with him, I simply huffed and decided I wouldn't spend the night on the couch.

With reluctance I crawled into bed, yearning for the solace that sleep might bring. To my surprise, slumber enveloped me easily for an hour or two. However, my tranquility abruptly shattered when I jolted awake.

Rian had inconsiderately turned the volume of the television up to an unbearable level in the bedroom. Frustrated, I seethed at him for disrupting the little peace I had found, knowing that my nightmares would soon return.

Sleep was my only escape from this tormenting existence, and Rian seemed determined to ruin any rest I could find.

This kind of behavior had been a constant in his character, even from our childhood days. He couldn't stand to see me happy and always sought to destroy it.

Fed up, I got out of bed and stood in front of the TV, blocking his view.

"Please move, you're blocking my view," he said nonchalantly.

"In just a few minutes, there won't be anything left worth watching," I responded calmly.

"Why, are you planning to turn off the TV? Is that the best you can do?" he retorted, a smirk on his face.

I paused for a moment, then decided to confront him head-on. "Actually, I was thinking about putting an end to your antics and leaving you behind. You know exactly what I'm capable of, Rian, you've seen it before. I suggest you, turn. the. TV. off."

My words had the desired effect, as his face showed genuine fear as he complied without a single protest.

But of course, he couldn't resist having the last word. With a hint of bitterness, he muttered, "I hope you can sleep at night knowing you ruined a guy's evening."

A smile crept onto my face as I confidently replied, "Actually, I find great satisfaction in it. Goodnight, Rian."

"Good morning, Ria," Aaliyah greeted me with a bright smile. I barely acknowledged her presence as I continued to photocopy documents.

"Morning," I replied curtly.

Sensing that something was wrong, she gently inquired, "What's the matter?"

"It's nothing, just feeling a bit tired," I replied, attempting to ease her concern with a forced smile.

But Aaliyah persisted, her concern evident in her eyes. "I can tell something is bothering you. You haven't seemed happy since you got married. Marriage is supposed to make someone glow with happiness, not look grim."

Unable to contain my frustration any longer, I decided to share my burden with her. "Okay, let's imagine a scenario. Picture yourself at home, late at night. Suddenly, there's a knock on your door, and you find a drunk person stumbling in, who then proceeds to sleep next to you. How would you feel?"

Aaliyah shrugged off the hypothetical situation. "Hey, come on, would something like that happen to anyone, ever!" she responded, rolling her eyes.

"But it is happening to me! And the person in question is the guy I married," I exclaimed.

"But he's your husband," she pointed out.

"Thank you for reminding me," I replied sarcastically.

"Ria, you're overreacting. Marriage is about compromise and making adjustments. We all have to give and take," she said soothingly, trying to offer some perspective.

"But this isn't a normal marriage, it's a living nightmare!" I exclaimed, lowering my voice in frustration.

There was a moment of silence as Aaliyah carefully contemplated her response.

Finally, she spoke again, choosing her words carefully. "Aria, you've just gotten married. If you find it difficult to live with him for two weeks, how will you manage a lifetime together?"

I stayed quiet, feeling the weight of her words, and wiped away a few tears that had escaped.

Are you considering a divorce?" she eventually asked, her voice gentle and understanding.

"You know about dad's health, he's had two heart attacks before this. Divorce is not an option; I can't bear to hurt him anymore than I already have," I whispered softly, revealing the deeper reasons that kept me trapped in this unhappy marriage. "But I despise this life, I truly hate it," I said, pulling out another sheet of paper to photocopy.

We stood there in silence, unsure of how to proceed. "Hey, perhaps you could help," I suddenly suggested, a glimmer of an idea forming in my mind.

Aaliyah glanced at me, prompting me to elaborate. "Could you possibly speak to the boss about the possibility of transferring me somewhere else?" I suggested, hoping for a glimmer of hope or a solution to my predicament.

However, Aaliyah seemed unconvinced. "Ria, maybe you should reconsider this. What would your dad say if you went alone without Rian?" she expressed, her concern evident.

With a sigh, I responded, "Please don't try to persuade me. I've made up my mind, Aaliyah. As for my dad, I'll figure something out. I just need to escape from here and reevaluate my life."

She contemplated my words for a moment before finally conceding, "Alright, fine. I'll see what I can do."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25 ⏰

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