Chapter five | Feel The Beat

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Aria's POV

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Aria's POV

In the two weeks since our wedding, we've been engaged in an escalating series of pranks and arguments, each one more harmful and destructive than the last. It seems as though our primary goal has become to annoy and hurt one another, turning our newlywed life into a battleground.

We've pulled countless pranks, each with the intention of causing harm or inconvenience. He recently spent hours in the bathroom, deliberately making me late for work for the third time in a week. In retaliation, I "accidentally" burned his hand with my straightener.

The situation has worsened to the point where he's even resorted to destructive actions, like slashing my tires to prevent me from attending an important event.

While we don't have outright have verbal or physical arguments, there's a constant passive-aggressive remarks and insults meant to provoke and enrage each other.

Lately, I've also noticed that he spends an increasing amount of time in a separate bedroom, which he claims is filled with his old belongings. I can't help but wonder what he's doing in there that keeps him occupied for hours on end.

Despite my attempts to enter the room over the past two weeks, I've been unsuccessful in finding the key he's hiding. The mystery of the room, coupled with our escalating conflict, has left me feeling increasingly uneasy about our relationship and what the future holds for us.

As I tidied up the room, I noticed Rian's jacket lying on the floor. I picked it up, intending to put it in the laundry basket, when a small photograph fell out of the pocket.

Curious, I picked it up and examined it. The picture was of a beautiful woman with scarlet curls that framed her face and full, pink lips that curved into a contented smile. Her honey-brown eyes sparkled with warmth and happiness, and a pair of glasses perched on her delicate nose. It looked like the photo had been taken while she was laughing.

I wondered who this woman could be and why her photo was in Rian's jacket. Could she be a friend I didn't know about? I had to admit, I didn't know much about his personal life.

I flipped the photo over, hoping to find a name or a date, but there was nothing. I decided it wasn't my place to pry, so I put the photo on Rian's side of the table.

I briefly considered trying to contact the woman in the photo for more information, but I quickly realized that it would be impossible since I had no way of getting in touch with her.

I finished cleaning up and went into the living room, where Rian was working on his laptop. Seeing an opportunity to annoy him the way he often did to me, I sat down next to him on the couch.

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