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As I woke up, I was immediately wide awake. Today was Midsummers, a festival you should never miss if you were a kook.

When I suddenly saw something light blue in my the corner of my eye, I turned my gaze towards my closet. There was a beautiful blue dress hanging on one of the doors, and I instantly felt a weird feeling in my stomach.

When Rafe and I were still together, we spent hours trying to figure out a color for our matching look for midsummer's. He insisted on keeping it classy and black, but I thought it was too boring and insisted on it being light blue.

In the end, he gave in, and we got our clothes together. But before we could present our look together this year, everything went downhill.

Seeing this dress now was anything but easy, but I wanted to wear it. I wanted to put it on and prove that I was over everything.

With a sigh, I got up and went downstairs, where a wide-ranging breakfast greeted me, and my mom hummed happily along with the music.

"Good morning, my dear." She grinned proudly and placed a plate of eggs and bacon in front of me. "Enjoy your meal!"

"Thanks, mom." I smiled and quickly started eating my breakfast.

"Can Sarah and Kiara come over later? We wanted to get ready for midsummer's together." I asked my mom with a half-full mouth, and she nodded eagerly. I hadn't seen her so full of joy in a long time.

I quickly sent the girls a message and arranged the time with them.

I spent some more time with my mom and helped her with the last few preparations when the doorbell rang, and I pulled Sarah and Kiara into a tight hug.

They looked like two pack mules, each carrying two large bags in their hands. They greeted my parents, and we quickly disappeared into my room.

"I'm so excited!" Sarah squealed, and I nodded, "I've missed it so much."

"But you do realize that Rafe will be there too, right?" Kiara asked me, and I had to swallow hard.

"Yes, of course. But I'll just stick with you guys, and besides, Pope is there too." I grinned, trying to hide my insecurity inside.

Together, we spent some time getting ready for the grand festivities. Kiara wore a lavender flowy dress that reached to the middle of her calves. Sarah had chosen a white dress with beautiful sleeves that gently hung over her shoulders. As for me, I wore my light blue floor-length dress. It had a high slit on the right leg and flowed slightly outwards towards the ground. As a small detail, each of us wore a flower crown in the colors of the others' dresses on our heads.

We looked so elegant.

"We're going to drive everyone crazy." Sarah giggled, spinning around as we admired ourselves in the mirror. I had loosely clipped my hair up, a few blonde strands falling to the side, and the flowers were a cute detail.

Soon, we all arrived at the location, while Sarah and Kiara went back to their families. Since the Camerons always valued a grand and spectacular entrance, the staff asked all attendees to stand up and focus all attention on the couple, feeling like a fucking wedding.

Every year, it annoyed me so much. The same unnecessary grand opening, and the fact that I would see Rafe right away didn't make it any better. I had always looked forward to seeing him all dressed up and dancing with him as we did every year, but this time, everything would be different.

As the doors opened, my heart suddenly started pounding, and my hands began to sweat. Then it happened, and the five-member family stepped from the foyer into the courtyard.

blessing in disguise - rafe cameronWhere stories live. Discover now