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Laughing I chased after the dark blonde, his hand tightly gripping mine as he pulled me further away from the family gathering.

Completely out of breath we stopped behind one of the neighbors cabins, my back leaning against the wooden facade while Rafe was resting on his knees, trying to catch his breath just like I did.

"I haven't seen you this out of breath since the annual school sports game." I chuckled, earning an offended look from the older one.

"Easy for you to say, miss lifeguard." He snapped back at me, to which I lightly pushed him back.


Grinning, Rafe straightened up, about to say something when the light on the porch turned on and the two of us flinched. Quickly, the boy came closer, our faces only inches apart, gesturing me to be quiet.

"Hello? Is someone there?" We heard a male voice call out into the dark, but the sound of my racing heart clearly overpowering it.

Rafe was so close to me that I could smell his comforting scent consisting of cologne, after shave and tequila, which he had managed to sneak with him.

Rafe's ocean blue eyes kept darting between me and the porch, until the light finally went out and we could breathe again. But eventhough the problem had vanished already, I still felt his gaze on me as I looked up at the Cameron boy.

His hair was slicked back as always, and a light blue shirt embraced his toned upper body perfectly. I felt my breathing quickening again as our eyes remained locked with each other.

I had never felt so good in the presence of another person as I did in Rafe's this moment. A feeling I could hardly put into words.

"Jenara I-" he began, but before he could finish I got onto my tiptoes and connected our lips to a soft yet loving kiss.

His arms wrapped about my petite body, pulling me even closer to his. How long I had been waiting for this moment.

I savored his closeness like never before, and now I knew for sure that Rafe felt the exact same way about me.

But suddenly everything turned 180 degrees. His tender and caring nature blurred and all that was left was an aggressive expression and angry Rafe, his hands tightly wrapped around my throat.

I could hardly breathe, he was squeezing so hard. But before I realized I was running out of air, I woke up.

My eyes tried to quickly adjust to the dim lighting as my chest heaved up and down. Looking down I saw JJ's arms still wrapped around my waist.

"Jen, what's wrong? Did you have a bad dream?" He mumbled, rubbing his sleepy eyes.

Finally calming down, I nodded, "yeah.."

The blonde boy was quick to pull me closer, holding me tightly while trying to comfort my shaken-up body and pressing a kiss to my temple.

But even though I felt comfortable in his arms, I felt terrible within myself. JJ was the kindest person with the purest heart and I was playing him while secretly being with Rafe.

I should just let go of the idea of Rafe and I.

"C'mon." JJ interrupted my thoughts, throwing on a hoodie and handing me one as well. His hand pulled me out of the chateau and down to the trees where the hammock was set up.

"Gimme a second." He whispered before returning with pillows and blankets a few moments later.

"You're silly." I giggled, helping him adjust everything before climbing in with him and letting myself plop onto the blonde boy.

His fingers ran through my hair as I sighed before closing my eyes again, listening to the sound of the ocean while drifting off.

When I wake up in the morning, I found myself back inside the chateu, with a snoring JJ beside me, and I couldn't help but chuckle. Not being able to resist I leaned down to press a kiss to his lips until he slowly came back to the real world.

"Good morning, sweet pea." The boy yawned before fully opening his eyes to look at me.

"Why are we back inside?" I asked.

"It got cold and I didn't want you to get sick, so.."

"Aww is there something worried about me?" I teased, flicking his nose.

"I always am." JJ admitted, making my stomach feel all tingly.

Smiling I got closer to him, admiring his beaming blue eyes that were fixated on me. Leaning down I reconnected our lips to a more longing kiss, his hands immediately grabbing my hips and pulling me fully onto him.

I giggled into the kiss as I felt his hands traveling further down, caressing my butt. We were so focused on each other that we didn't even notice the door swinging open.

"Oh god.." I heard John B's voice behind me, making me twitch, trying to cover my half-naked body I got off of JJ.

"Dude, c'mon." JJ almost cried out to his best friend.

"What? You guys are the parasites in MY house." He replied, shaking his head in disbelief as he went on to grab some water.

"Sorry JB." I chuckled, pressing my lips together.

I quickly put on one of JJ's shirts that were laying on the floor and freshened up a bit before getting back to the boy just a few minutes later.

"Lazy ass bitch." I yelled out to him, throwing a pillow into his direction, which he was quick to catch and throw back, slamming me right into the face.

"You're gonna regret this!!" I said sternly before jumping onto the blonde boy and attacking him with tickles, receiving a little girls' scream out of his mouth.

"Okay okay, you won!" He gave up, tears forming in the corner of his eyes from laughing too hard.

With a smug face, I celebrated my victory by dancing around, making JJ roll his eyes at me before he pulled me close again.

"Don't go yet." He pouted like a kid, pleading me to stay in bed with him.

"I don't want to, but I have no choice. I haven't been home in two days." I explained, kissing his pout away, "I'll make it up to you, promise!"


I nodded before gathering all my stuff and leaving the chateu with Sarah by my side.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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