Mount Lykaion rose against the sky in all its glory. The spring had turned its foliage green, and the sky behind it a shade of cerulean. At the base, a large gathering was coming together. Banners waved in the wind, a roaring fire was being stoked by the men of the village, and children ran about making sounds of delight.

  It was the yearly feast of Zeus. This year, the human sacrifices were coming all the way from Nikaia. Only one would be unlucky enough to become the actual sacrifice. This year Zeus would have a surprise he would not soon forget.

  Aegus was a young man, only in his nineteenth year. Since he was fifteen, he had been engaged to Princess Zephyra, and this year she reached the age of marriage. But he had secretly been offered the hand of a princess in Phoneice, her father and his life-long friends. With the betrothal came more wealth- even more wealth than Nikaia had as a city- if he agreed, that is.

  He was now at his father's house to discuss the matter. Aegus was from a prominent family, his father a military leader and well respected in the village. The house was built in a horseshoe shape around a well tended garden. Behind it, the livestock lived in a simple barn that provided shelter. He found his father on a chaise lounge on the veranda that overlooked the garden.

  He wasted no time in venting his problems to the older man, his frustration evident in his rapid pacing. His father listened and relaxed in the lounge as his son ranted and paced. Aleksy could not help but smile at Aegus, the boy was just like him in his younger days.The boy was nice looking with sharp features and olive skin, his eyes black as coal.

When he finished, the elder sat up more and spoke. "You are in love with neither, that is plain. However, rejecting a bride such as Zephyra could cause retaliation. I need not tell you that you could end up dead, do I?"

  "Well, then how do I get out of it?" Aegus sat down on the end of the lounge his father sat on. "Are you suggesting--"

  Aleksy shook his head, reaching for a wine goblet. "I am not suggesting murder. I am suggesting sacrifice. The sacrifices to Zeus are coming from our city this year. Why don't you consider asking her to offer herself? She is very loyal to the clan, just think how much they would love her if she offered herself over one of the young men. One sacrifice is a child you know."

  Aegus raised a brow, a smile slid over his face. "Father, you might be onto something. But what if she refuses?"

  Aleksy rolled his eyes. "One thing at a time, son. Zeus himself will help you if you offer him something of value. Perhaps a first born? You are quite popular among the servants, I have heard. Perhaps if you were to procreate with one."

  Aegus knew that his father was aware of his taste for the young servants. "I will meet with her tonight. Wish me luck."

  He nodded, more interested in the young lady who was bringing his dinner into the room for him. Like his son he was a womanizer, his wife had been dead for many years and he never remarried.

  Aegus sought and found Zephyra eating on the palace patio. She brightened up when she saw him entering the patio area.

  "You came to join me for dinner?" Zephyra laid her fork down and motioned her handmaiden to bring a plate for Aegus. She was beautiful, her skin olive and her eyes dark and sparkling in the flickering candlelight.

  She was so beautiful, Aegus almost backed out of his intended request. Instead, he focused on the luscious lamb he was being served, and the fortune he stood to inherit if this worked. "We are leaving for Mount Lykaion at first light. Are you prepared?"

  "Yes. This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. I cannot believe people still subscribe to this nonsense." The prospect of seeing one of her own killed and served to an unknowing person, who then turned into a wolf for nine years seemed to benefit no one. Zephyra was a staunch atheist; not for one minute did she believe in any of the rituals and pantheons of her people. In fact, once she ruled Nikaia, she would put a stop to these silly sacrificial services.

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