Bjornolf seemed restless, pacing back and forth in the main house he now shared with Valo. Outside the feast raged on, mead was sloshing around in cups, so much that Valo joked the town would soon be dry. A goat had been sacrificed and roasted, now it and several of its friends were feeding hordes of drunken men and women. Valo had moved indoors to eat in peace, he would join the drunken fray soon.

"Why are you so nervous?" Valo asked Bjornolf with a smirk. "Is it the pretty maidens we have serving us tonight?"

"Says the virgin." Bjornolf retorted, finally eating. "We are close to the village where I died before. I want revenge on those people."

"I understand that but in due time. We can't leave tonight and do it. I have learned that the town has wiped out many villages and taken their armies. No telling what we might be about to stir up if we attack."

"You are right," Bjornolf finally enjoyed the succulent goat, flavored with spices such as he had never tasted. "But it will happen."

"Oh, by Odin's beard it will," Valo said, eating like a starving wolf. Bones were piled by his plate, and the sound of his teeth ripping the soft flesh was audible in the dimly lit house.

Outside, Iona was waiting for Valo to emerge. She realized he enjoyed eating away from crowds, as most wolves did. She waited for his return to the festivities; something about the young male was irresistible. She wasn't alone in her pursuit of the new leader, many of the younger females were noticing him. Valo was exotic with his bright eyes and hair. When shirtless he was perfection personified. There was a dangerous and yet kind air about him. Valo was unaware of his magnetic attraction to females.

When he stepped outside there was a chorus of cheers, cups raised in his honor. His army had blended well with the townspeople, as evidenced by all the laughing and many of them had paired off with lovely ladies willing to share favors with what they saw as new blood and potential mates.

Iona swept to Valo's side. Her red hair was tied back from her face but loose in the back like a red cascade. The dress she wore was her best, emerald green and trimmed in black. The bodice fit her bosom so tight that not even her nipples were left to imagination.

"Iona? Right?" He said to her, speaking above the crowd.

She nodded, excited he remembered. "Yes! You remembered!"

"I did. I couldn't forget such a pretty face." Valo noticed Bjornolf laughing at him from across the fire, so he sneered at him.

"Forgive my forwardness," Iona said, her cheeks flushed with heat and ale. "I am available for other things besides serving ale, you know."

Valo chuckled, he wasn't drunk yet. But he was loosening up in these new surroundings. "Well, now then. Would you like to show me what services you are available for?"

Iona's eyes lit up in the dark, her desire was plain. "Only if you would like that."

Valo snickered at her now trying to play coy after having nearly thrown herself at him before. "Very well then, my lady, lead the way."

Iona led him towards his house. He admired her bravery, he felt like none of the other girls would have led him here with such bravado. There was only a piece of fabric that separated them from the crowd, but that didn't matter to Valo. She pressed her body against him, unaware of his inexperience. Valo was running on pure instinct at this moment, his lips and hers melded together. He followed her lead, he rather enjoyed how she tasted of mead and a certain essence he would always associate with aroused females. It made his body hum with a new energy, his manhood grew hard. That had happened before, but he had ignored it before. Tonight, he would not.

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