The sun rose on Valo by the gates of Lundor. He was a bloody mess, in human form. Before him the village burned bright. The stench of blood and death hung heavy in the air. A couple of survivors procured a wagon and some horses to haul the fallen soldiers back to Kjarra. Bjornolf lay dead at Valo's feet, his body shredded from battle. Valo had saved his body from the flames of the burning city.

"My name is Kaskae." A voice broke through Valo's brooding as they walked back towards their village.

Valo turned to see the chief's son beside him. "I was wondering if you had a name. I am in debt to you for your help."

"It was our duty. Our tribe was named after the Amarok wolves, we have worshipped them for years. We could not let this go. You saved our lives this winter. I am on board for the new lands." Kaskae didn't spare Valo a glance as he kept step with him.

"Will you not miss out on becoming the alpha of your pack?" Valo raised a thin white eyebrow at the other.

"My brother took that over a long time ago and already has children. I am looking for my own path. We are- like you- shapeshifters," Kaskae said. His confession caught Valo off guard.

"You didn't change in battle-- did you?"

Kaskae shook his head, "No. We don't very much because my brother cannot and we try not to show him up. This is why I want to leave."

Valo understood. They ceased talking until they arrived home. On the shore of Kjarra, the beach was lined with huge pyres. Bodies wrapped in sheets and blankets were piled on and beside them. Valo turned the wagon over to a group of women who met them at the gate. He needed a moment in prayer to Odin.

By the time the day was bright, the pyres were smoking and the smell of burning flesh and wood filled the air around Kjarra. Valo stood staring into the flames but not seeing. This disaster had instilled him with distrust and hate for humans that would follow him all his days.

When the last of the pyres was a pile of ash and bone, Kaskae rallied the men to load supplies into ships waiting in the inlet. They would be sailing before nightfall. Valo stood at the stern staring into space. He was confident he knew the meaning of all this, Odin had just turned him into the merciless war God that he'd intended him to be. Bjornolf had exacted his revenge, he had torn the three into small pieces with blood lusting glee. He would dine with Odin tonight, victoriously.

The open sea was perfect for someone grieving his losses, like Valo. If Kaskae was upset about his own losses, he didn't seem to really care. Valo didn't speak for a day after they embarked; he stood near the stern staring out into the waves as the ship rolled along. He had been in love with neither of his female companions. He had not relished fatherhood as he thought he would. He rather resented the responsibility, to be honest. However, they were his, the pups were his heirs and these vile humans had taken it from him. His mercy for humans was gone. A leader who had freed the human slaves of Kjarra and permitted no one to abuse a woman or child, had stopped caring what happened to the vile creatures. Why had Odin created him, then? What was the point of all that?

"Why Allfather? Why?" Valo screamed in his mind. Those around him could not tell what he was thinking, there was no sign of his inner screaming for answers.

"Because, it is you who will bring the magic to the world. You will teach the innocent to stand their ground." Odin answered Valo unexpectedly. The voice was in his head but it was there. "You were too innocent," The voice went on. "You need to see the real world and learn that your mercy and trust are easily misplaced. Also; I cannot have you tied down raising pups in Kjarra when you are needed elsewhere."

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