Under a bright full moon, Inoli and Valo were camping near the Hokkaido Mountains. Nearly a month into the journey, Valo was starting to think maybe this was the New World he had been trying to find. Though he wondered daily how his crew fared. He tried to communicate with Odin but he was ignoring him. Valo realized he was on his own here.

Inoli turned the spit slowly, watching as the juicy rabbits on it began to sear and sizzle in the heat. They would be done soon. He had found some berries and mushrooms for dinner too. Out here it was hard to cook great homemade food, but he detested carrying a lot of things with him. A river flowed down the mountain and by their camp. The water was icy but pure for drinking. Not so much for bathing.

"When we get further North we will stop in on an old friend of mine for Sake." Inoli promised, his eyes never leaving the rabbits as they cooked. There was a fine line between raw and over cooked, and it only took a few seconds to ruin good meat.

Valo had developed a taste for sake, since they had no mead here. The stuff was smooth and sometimes sweet, depending on what it was made with. "You seem to know a lot of friends who have sake."

"Call it one of my special talents--" Inoli stopped short and tilted an ear. From across the valley he heard wolves. Harmonious howls drifted through the night sky.

Valo turned towards the sound, surprised but not startled. "They aren't far away are they?"

Before Inoli could answer, another howl, this one closer, filled the night air. The howl was long and rich, as if it were from a much bigger wolf, oddly though it was female. Valo's eyes sparkled in the dark.

"A female, eh?"

Inoli's eyes were round. He knew the voice. That was Aspen, she was heading towards the Hokkaido pack, calling to them. He glanced at Valo, "I would not try her."

"You know who she is?" Valo leaned closer as Inoli handed him a roasted rabbit. He was so excited his breath seemed ragged.

"Her name is Aspen."Inoli began, sitting back to eat his dinner.

"Is she pretty?" Valo asked, cutting him off.

Inoli rolled his eyes slightly, "Yes she is and she is Norse like you, a warrior of Odin as well. But I would not try her, Valo."

"Why? Does she fancy females?" He ate the rabbit noisily, the meat was perfectly cooked. "This is delicious."

"No, Valo, she is dangerous. She's quick to anger, and she controls lightning." Inoli warned. "I've seen her in action."

"What's she look like?"

"In her wolf form she is black," Inoli hesitated telling him the rest because her description matched the one Valo had given of his mate. "I suppose you will see her soon enough."

The howls echoed across the valley again, it sounded like the pack was coming to her. Valo listened but didn't join in. The pack was eighty strong, he could tell. They had an alpha and a beta male but no alpha female. Aspen was an alpha, he could tell by her rich voice. He stared into the darkness, waiting for the slightest movement. The pack was coming and they would meet not far away near the river.

"Have you actually met Aspen?" Valo wondered aloud.

"Yes. She is loyal, but unpredictable. She may like you, she may attack you. It is hard to tell. There are members of the Hokkaido pack who annoy her and they keep their distance. If you approach her, do so with confidence and do not waver."

"Oh, I can do that." Valo tossed his rabbit bones aside and relaxed by the fire. His excitement was growing, though not visible.

The howls gave way to yips and vocalizations that meant the pack had met with Aspen. They were just across the river, but out of sight. He would not interfere with the meeting, that was rude. He'd catch her alone, he smirked.

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