Chapter 2

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Sara's POV

As soon as I shut the door to my room I was overcome with emotion. I wasn't even sure why, I suddenly just feel like I was about to burst.

I ran over to my window and threw it open, hoping the fresh air would help. Upon reaching the window I realized that it has started to pour outside and felt worse. Stupidly, I was jealous of the world, for getting to express its emotions so clearly when I could not.

Merlin's were not allowed to cry. Weren't allow to show any upset emotions in public really. It was drilled into us that it made us appear weak. Even at home were never really we taught how to express ourselves. I can even remember a time that I openly expressed my emotions to my father, and things felt different now between my mom and I.

I took a few deep breath's and then went to get myself ready. Thinking maybe if I distract myself I'll feel better. But getting ready was just a reminder that the Malfoys were coming over so it wasn't much of a help.

I pick out a black sleeveless dress with extra fabric around the skirt that makes it a tad poofy. While it is quiet warm outside, the manor feels as though it's the middle of winter so I pick out a grey cardigan to wear over top of the dress.

I pull the top half of my hair into a clip at the back of my head, leaving the face framing pieces I have to fall out naturally, and start on my makeup.

Nothing too fancy, it's just the Malfoys after all. Some mascara, blush, and lip gloss will do just fine.

By the time I finish there's still a half an hour until the Malfoys are set to arrive so I pick up the book on my nightstand and start reading. A while later I here voices downstairs.

I sit up and walk over to my mirror, taking one last look to make sure I look presentable and head to the main staircase.

I look down at the front door and see everyone standing there. My parents, brothers, and the Malfoys. My father and Lucius are already engaged in conversation, tuning everybody else out. My mother is saying something to Narcissa although I can't hear what. I'm guessing it has something to do with Draco as his mom beams proudly at him and his cheeks color. Atlas shoves him playfully in the arm and Draco laughs turning from the rest of the group, eyes landing on me.

He's the only one to notice me so far so we hold eye contact. He breaks it for a moment to do a quick sweep of my body, seeing what I'm wearing. His eyes meet mine again and he blinks a few times, looking thrown off. I smile politely at him as Beckett grabs him on the shoulder and pulls him off in the direction of the parlor.

He doesn't return my smile.

Jerk, I think as I start making my way down the stairs. But then again why would I ever expect anything less from him. After all he doesn't even look at me in school, actually making eye contact with me is pretty much our version of a full conversation.

As I make my way to the bottom of the stairs Narcissa notices me. "Why dear don't you look lovely as always." She says pulling me into a polite hug. "Thank you Narcissa," I return. Knowing the Malfoys my whole life I've been told on more then one occasion that there is no need for the formalities of Mr. And Mrs. Malfoy. Although Narcissa is the only ones that's actually said that, Lucius still kind of intimidates me.

"How about a drink before dinner?" My father asks, it seems whatever him and Lucius were talking about is over for now. "That would be lovely." Mr. Malfoy responds, and the four of them head off towards one of the many rooms of the manor.

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