Chapter 3

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Seeing Harry, Hermione, and the Wesley's is exactly what I need and the only thought in my head as I finish packing my trunk and the rest of my things. I'm supposed to leave in just a few minutes but honestly it still feels too long. I take one last look around my room, knowing it will be the last time I am in it for a while.  

I grab my things and head downstairs, the quidditch cup isn't actually until tomorrow but I'm going a night early to spend sometime at the manor with the others.  Father was not happy about that one.

"You know we have house elves for that right?" Beckett asks, seeing me struggle with my trunk. He's sitting on one of the couches in the main room, off of the side of the main staircase. "Or you could stop being lazy and help me," I return. 

"I'm okay," he says with a stupid grin, "thanks for the offer though." 

I roll my eyes and continue to drag my stuff towards the front door. My mother appears from the direction of the parlor. "Are you sure you want to leave tonight, you could just leave early in the morning instead."

I feel bad at times like this, even though I've done nothing wrong. I know what she really wants is to spend more time with me, but there are times where I can't bare to spend any more time in this house. This is one of them.

"No, I don't want to be late, I'll leave tonight." I don't meet her eyes when I say it, I don't want to see the look of disappointment. "That could all be avoided if you just went with us," Beckett says not looking up from the book he's reading. 

I ignore the comment, looking down at my stuff to make sure that I have everything. "Okay, let me go get your father and brother so you can say goodbye." With that she turns and goes to get them.


A night at the Wesley's doing nothing is absolutely what I needed. It was so nice getting to see everyone again and have some time to just relax before the cup and before going to Hogwarts. In the morning Molly makes everyone breakfast, after we eat we all head out with Arthur.  

"Where are we going?" I ask Hermione and Ginny as we walk deeper into the woods.

"No clue, I think my dad said we are meeting someone though." Right after Ginny says it we hear someone calling for Arthur. 

"Good to see you old friend." They slap each other on the back, like men do when they hug, and Arthur turns to introduce the man. "Kids, this is Amos Diggory. He works at the ministry with me."  

Next to him someone jumps down from the tree, which only mildly scares me. "And this strapping young man must be Cedric, am I right?" Arthur says shaking his hand. Hermione turns to look at Ginny and I, and Ginny giggles. 

I've seen Cedric multiple times around the castle as well and in the Hufflepuff common room, with that being said, I understand why Hermione and Ginny are blushing. I've never really talked to Cedric, since he is two years ahead of me, but I've heard a lot of great things about him. Everyone loves him. The group keeps walking forward but Cedric stays behind for a few seconds, waiting until I am next to him.

"Hi Sara, I didn't know you would be joining us," he says with a warm smile.

"Yeah, the Wesley's were kind enough to extend the invitation. I'm so excited, I love quidditch." 

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