About the Characters

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Hi so sorry but this isn't a chapter, its just going to be a little bit more background information about Sara and her family. I realized that you obviously know all about all the other characters in this story but I feel like I haven't done a good job explaining the basics of the Merlin's.

Obviously physical appearance isn't that big of a deal so feel free to picture them how you would like. Just try to keep their hair and eye colors the same as it is stated because that is a little important. Thanks!

~Sara Merlin~
Physical appearance: long dark brown hair, green eyes.
House: Hufflepuff
A little more about the character: gets along with everyone at Hogwarts, smart, Taurus, favorite color is lilac, dark green is a close second. In her fourth year at Hogwarts. Youngest in the family.

~Beckett Merlin~
Physical appearance: wavy dark brown hair and grey eyes.
House: Slytherin
A little more about the character: on the quidditch team, prefect (I think I accidentally said in a previous chapter that atlas was going to be a prefect this year, I meant Beckett. Atlas is head boy, sorry for any confusion.)  In his sixth year at Hogwarts. Gemini. Only associated with pure bloods. Favorite color is black.  Excellent at potions. Middle child of the family.

~Atlas Merlin~
Physical appearance: short black hair and and darkkkk brown eyes (boarder line black)
House: Slytherin
A little more about the character: head boy, captain of the house quidditch team, in his last year at Hogwarts. Loves playing pranks and tricks on people. Aries. Favorite color is silver. Oldest child of the family.

~Arabella Merlin~
Physical appearance: long dirty blond hair and green eyes.
House: Hufflepuff
A little more about the character: born in America and attend llvermorny until her parents died when she was 16. After this she was sent to live with her aunt and uncle in England and attended Hogwarts. Loved to read, has a library in the manor. Favorite color is light pink. Does not currently have a job.

~Evander Merlin~
Physical appearance: medium length dark brown hair and grey eyes.
House: Slytherin
A little more about the character: comes from a long long line of Merlin's, representing the family name and keeping the respect for it is the most important thing to him. Favorite color is black. Works at the ministry of magic.

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