Chapter 5

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I wish I could say I was still as excited as I was about the tournament. All was going fine Cedric was indeed chosen, and all of Hufflepuff was getting ready to celebrate later. Then things took a turn, like they always do. I know that there is no way Harry put his own name in the goblet of fire, but unfortunately very few people seem to share that thought with me. 

It's all anyone is talking about in the Hufflepuff common room. I'm sitting near the fire place with Margret and Hannah Abbott, their talking about how cool it is someone from Hufflepuff was chosen. Neither of them are going to mention Harry out of respect for me being that he is a very close friend of mine, but that doesn't stop any of the other Hufflepuffs from whispering about it around us. 

"And what are you lovely ladies talking about?" Susan Bones asks as she takes a seat next to me on the couch. 

"Cedric being picked for the tournament of course. Can you believe it, a Hufflepuff? If he wins we are gonna have mega bragging rights." 

I can't disagree with what Hannah says, but it all just feels a bit weird. Yes he could win, and it would be super cool, but he could also very well die. I've heard stories of past tri-wizard tournaments from my family, most of them don't end pretty. There's a reason not a lot of Slytherins put their name in. 

"Isn't anyone the least bit concerned about Cedric though?" I ask. "I mean the tournament is quite dangerous, even if he doesn't die he could get seriously hurt." 

Before the others get a chance to respond someone behind us does. "Worried about my safety are you Merlin." He doesn't say it like its a question, he states it like its fact. 

I get up from my seat on the couch and stand so I can face Cedric. "I- well I was just saying, I mean it is-" I can't seem to form words and it makes me want to crawl under the couch in front of me. I hate being caught off guard, and that's exactly what he's done.  

"It's okay, I would be worried about you too. I appreciate it." He gives me a playful smile then turns to my friends, "you ladies don't mind if I steal Sara away for a moment do you? I wanted to speak with her." 

"Go right ahead," Margret says gesturing to me as if to say 'she's all yours'. 

"Wonderful, Sara, if you don't mind?" He tilts his head toward the staircase that leads to the dorms, and I start to walk in that direction. He waits until I've passed him to follow behind me. We stand in the stairwell, it's away from the other students to give us some privacy, but not too far away from anyone. He probably chose this location so I wouldn't feel uncomfortable. 

"Listen I just wanted to ask," he starts after we've settled in, "about Harry. You're friends with him right?" I nod. "Right well, did he say anything to you about putting his name in?" 

"No Cedric, he didn't. I know Harry, this isn't something he would do I promise." I don't know why I'm promising anything, maybe its the urge I have to defend my friend. 

He looks at me, staying quiet for a moment before he speaks again. "I believe you. I didn't think he would, but I don't really know him, and its all anyone's talking about." 

"Yeah I know. I haven't gotten a chance to speak with him about it yet, but I know he must be scared." 

"I know the feeling," he gives a light chuckle.

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