Chapter 1

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Hello, I am Lauren Adnet. I am 18 years old.

I am currently riding a dragon above the crowded streets of Moonsmear, trying to get to the royal palace in time to stop a wedding. You surely know what is Moonsmear, right? If not, I apologise as I cannot explain it to you currently. I am sure I would love to tell you later if I don't die before that.

Oh, did I mention that I may have angered the royal guards in the way which is the second reason why I am trying to escape.

Now you all must be wondering, if any of you have time to care, Lauren how did you get in this situation in the first place?

I would be more than glad to tell you my story as I am trying not to get caught while dodging spears and swords. Flying on a dragon above long streets packed with people to the brim while being chased by guards must get boring. So allow me to give you my commentary on the situation from the very beginning. Ow! Wilbur, can you stop breathing fire while I am trying to get away? I am also trying to tell a story! Anyways, it all started on the 14th of September, also the day before my 18th birthday.

(14st of September)

I heard a voice shout my name from below as I lay sitting on my comfortable spot, a book in my hands, reading a copy of the wonderful tales of Tom Sawyer's adventures that my mother brought for me from the mortal world. When I didn't budge, an apple was sent on my way, which I caught very easily. I looked down to see my sister Marline standing below, arms crossed on her chest and frowning a little.

"Thanks for the apple, Marls!" I shouted aloud.

"It is not funny, Lora! Get down. You can't just sit all day on a tree branch reading a book. We are having guests for dinner and mother wants you to help" she replied.

I scrunched up my nose in annoyance. Can you believe it? My sister just called me Lora even when I told her not to a million times! What? You thought I didn't like people? I really can't care less about the guests.

"Only when you stop calling me Lora. I told you to call me Lauren more times than mother has called you out for trying to sneak out or breaking her crockery" I told her.

Hearing this she rolled her eyes and grudgingly spoke, "Fine, I will stop calling you Lora. But no promises. Now get down Lauren."

Felling satisfied, I closed my book and tugged it under my shoulders and jumped off the tree. I may or may not have managed to land a cartwheel on the way. I definitely heard Marline mutter a 'show-off' before storming away. What a drama queen.

I made my way to our lovely Cottage core house in the middle of the flower field. I loved that place a lot. It was home after all. On the way, the wind blew my creamy brown hair towards my face, covering my hazel eyes. The wind seemed to urge me forward with a gentle push, as if it had a life of its own, which I liked to believe even if I knew it was not true.

I opened the door of my house with my hair still dancing behind me. Inside I saw my mother spoon feeding my 2-year-old baby brother. My dad was sitting on the sofa, busy reading a book. I was certain I got my bookworm tendencies from him. Nearby was my other brother Joe. He was trying to complete his homework but I doubt he even understood what he was doing. Marline had made her way before me and was already busy trying to prepare a meal.

I kept my book on the bookshelf and made my way towards my mother. She had lovely blond hair tied back in a bun with a few stray strands. She was a woman of power and determination. She had quite a history. I will tell you all some other time.

"What can I help with mother?" I asked her politely, maybe with just the slightest bit of sarcasm which she did not notice. I decided to put the obedient act before bombarding her with questions.

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