Chapter 19

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I am sorry if I confused you folks earlier. I was talking about a black-scaled dragon. Dragons are technically lizards.

I could not believe my eyes when I saw such a magnificent looking creature in front of me saving our lives. Dragons are the sacred creatures of Fiodroph. I wondered if father sent him to save us.

Most of the demons had been barbecued by now. Yay, free demon meat cooked on dragon flame. Want some? No? Me too. I was pretty disgusted myself. The rest which survived backed off and went away. Smart demons.

As the dragon turned to us, it looked at me with its big yellow beady eyes. I carefully went forward and stood face to face with him. As if responding to my actions, the dragon lowered his head and I gently pet him.

"You are one feisty dragon, aren't you?" I spoke and he let out a jet of fire and we ducked.

"What is your name? Looks like you don't have one. I will call you Wilbur. Do you like it?" I asked him gently to which he picked me up and sat me on his back.

"Looks like he likes his new name," Cass spoke and Wilbur picked her up as well. Then he picked up the boys and took off to the air. This was one smart dragon.

I held on to him, careful not to hurt him and gently guided him towards the correct way. I could feel the wind in my hair as we flew. I had never done dragon riding before but I felt like I was a natural. Wilbur finally landed and we got on the stone platform. I felt sad that we will be leaving now.

"I wish I could take you with me buddy. I am going to miss you," I spoke and gently pet him.

"He is a Selvan Dragon. He can change his shape. If he turns small and doesn't cause a wildfire every now and then, I guess you could take him" Avien said and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Wait really?"

"Of course. I am the king and I give you permission. Besides, we already have a few rogue dragons and bringing another one won't hurt."

As if listening, Wilbur suddenly turned into a tiny baby dragon and I picked him up.

"I guess we are ready to go then," Cass said.

We all took our places and Cass once again began concentrating. I closed my eyes while still holding onto a baby Wilbur as Rowan spoke once again.

"We wish to enter the realm of the Meonaries, Moonsmear. Yora, guide your children through for a safe journey."

And everything once again went dark. I opened my eyes and saw baby Wilbur tugging on my forehead. I picked him and looked around. Avien was laying down on the grass rubbing off the dirt. Rowan was helping Cass stand up as she struggled a bit.

"Looks like you are a dragon mama now," Cass spoke as I also got up along with Avien.

"Looks like I am. Anything for my precious Wilbur," I spoke and rubbed my nose against his forehead smiling.

"So he is suddenly more important to you than us," Rowan questioned and we broke off laughing but somthing felt off.

"I think we should go back to Dahlia's and spent the night there before returning to the palace in the morning. It is late and we all are tired" Avien suggested.

As soon as he said that, the expression on Rowan and Cassandra's face changed as if they were sharing a terrible secret. Cass started fidgeting with her necklace.

"We have already bothered Dahlia enough. I think we should go to the palace now only using the Molk stone and rest there, if it sits well with you Your Majesty," Rowan spoke nervously.

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