Chapter 2

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(15th of September)

"So what do we know about the Harkin's?" Rowan asked me as we both sat on the dry grass as I was going through the files he had brought me while he was busy aiming stones towards the river nearby.

"They are a respected family in Merihill with rich ancestry. It also says here that Carl Harkin's has the ability of illusions. He might use it as a getaway but then he would be welcomed with a knife on his throat. It also says that they are in favour of King Avien. Marls could live a comfortable life marrying him," I replied.

Rowan was my best friend. We had known each other since childhood. I had told him all about yesterday's events and wanting to help, he managed to grab their file from his father's office. It was not as hard for him as he was the heir of the Marrack household, ruling class of the city of Merihill and they usually had the file of each person residing in the city.

"I don't think he would hurt your sister, Lauren. He seems like a chill dude. Let them marry in peace. Besides, if anything happens, I am sure I can help teach him a lesson with my title. It doesn't really come of any other use" he spoke trying to convince me.

I just sighed. Suddenly, we heard a huge thud from the direction of the city square. It seemed like a crowd had gathered there. They all seemed to be whispering and talking.

"Looks like Cory had another accident while playing with his powers. I don't understand why his parent's don't just put a leash on him" Rowan said and went back to throwing stones.

"The crowd seems far bigger. I think it is something else. C'mon let's go" I spoke worriedly.

I grabbed Rowan as I dragged him towards the crowd. As we got closer, I could hear a loud voice. An announcement was being made probably. I quickened my pace. I dragged Rowan to the front of the crowd and was shocked.

In the centre, a boy few years older than me with dark brown hair wearing a royal's clothes and a crown on his head was sitting on a throne. He was surrounded by a few guards as his minister was announcing something. As our eyes locked, a shock was sent through my body as he looked away. He had the aura of power and dominance. It could be only one person.

In reality, it was probably the first time any common folk had seen King Avien except for his courtiers and ministers. I decided to hear what the minister was saying.

"The king has decided that a person will be chosen from this city to go on a quest to retrieve the crystal of power for him. They may only take two more people with them. If the person fails to succeed, the city will be flattened to make way for a palace for the king's betrothed, Lady Eiola. The champion shall be chosen tomorrow at 4. All citizens are to be present."

How could he do this? I was beyond angered to hear the king's selfish wish. I had heard he could be cruel but selfish? But I was powerless to just watch as I couldn't cross him. I glanced at Rowan who looked baffled.

We made our way back after freeing ourselves from the crowd. I exchanged a few words with him on the matter but even he was too shocked to say much.

"With what I have witnessed, I am certain that the king is a git," I told him still angry.

"Now now Lauren, it's best we don't call the king names or we might just end up in one of his luxurious cells where we surely will be treated wonderfully," Rowan replied sarcastically before chuckling.

"How can you not be bothered by this?" I asked him now clearly annoyed.

"I am bothered. Let's just hope whoever is chosen does at least know how to think straight. I shall be making sure to help them secretly" he replied smiling.

"Quite the rebel, Rowan," a voice said from behind us.

We turned around to see Harris surrounded by his goons. I mentally groaned. My day surely couldn't get worse?

"What do you want Harris" Rowan asked him adding an edge to his voice.

"Chill dude. I just came to talk with Lauren. She is too beautiful to be ignored", he replied and smirked.

I could feel anger boiling inside of me. I was already annoyed with the previous events and now he had to show up to rub salt on the wound. I was so ready to send him flying to Floremence.

But before I could actually punch him, I felt a strong surge of wind blowing past me towards Harris with full force, knocking him down. He was shocked and now angry.

"This is not over, Adnet." Saying this, he fled with his goons.

I glanced sideways to see Rowan just gaping at me open-mouthed. I couldn't help but laugh looking at his stunned face. This jolted him to his senses.

"You so gotta tell me how you managed to do that," he spoke.

We were passing through Amelia Street as we saw several people playing with their powers. Some were running like cheetahs, while some were lifting heavy objects they should not have been able to lift, while others were visibly communicating with animals. I liked that power most. Out of the corner of my eyes, I could see Cory meddling with wires. I was certain he was going to have another harmless accident, but it was too intriguing for me to bother stopping him.

"Wish I had cool powers like them. All I got is a longer lifespan like the rest" Rowan complained at which I giggling.

By now I had cooled down about the incident. After walking for a long time, we finally reached my house. Rowan had insisted on accompanying me. When I opened the door, I was greeted by everyone shouting 'Happy Birthday!' including Rowan. I had completely forgotten about it!

"Thank you so much!" I thanked all of them joyfully.

After blowing the candles and cutting the cake, I moved on to the presents. I got a story book, a recipe book, a make-up palette, a cool looking pen which I pocketed immediately, and a beautiful bracelet. Can you guess who got me what?

"These are so good!" I spoke while trying to stuff more of my mother's delicious food in my mouth.

"Glad you like it. Rowan dear, would you like some stew?"

"No thanks, Mrs. Adnet. I am already quite full."

"That reminds me, what took you both so long to return?" dad questioned eyeing me suspiciously.

I gulped all the food in my mouth as I lost my appetite. I had forgotten to tell them about the announcement! As I explained the situation, I could see the colour leaving their faces.

"That doesn't sound like a jolly news to get on your 18th birthday" Joe spoke thoughtfully as he attacked the pudding with a fork.

"It was definitely far from jolly."

I could see my parent's sharing a glance at each other before looking at Marline who hadn't spoken anything. I understood they wanted to get done with the wedding soon in case the city was to be flattened.

"Well anyways, all of you off to bed! Rowan dear, would you like me to accompany you home?" mother spoke addressing all of us.

"That won't be needed but thank you for the offer. I will take my leave now." Saying this, Rowan got up and left as I bid him goodbye and made my way towards my room.

I had so many things running through my head currently that I very much doubted I would be falling asleep tonight.

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