Chapter 4

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Peyton was drinking coffee while typing on her laptop, on her back porch, which faced the forest. She heard a noise, a raptor screech. Startled, and afraid, she scanned the area for raptors. Peyton slowly, but tensely got up, closed her laptop and hurried inside. From the window, she saw Blayne.

Tears rushed down her as she ran outside, towards him, while still careful, because he was still a wild animal. She reached out to pat him, and he moved closer to her. "Blayne. Did you come back for me?" Peyton asked. Blayne gentle made a purr-like sound while Peyton pet him. "What have you been up to?" She asked, glad to see her old friend again, and resisted her happy tears.

Blayne signaled for Blue and the children to come out. The infant was struggling to drag herself through the tall grass. Ari nudged the baby to encourage her to walk, and Blue picked her up. "Aw... you have a family." Peyton said. She reached out for Ari, but Blue growled and she pulled away. Peyton was still cautious around Blayne and his family, because one wrong move, and she'd be dead.

"Calm down, Blue. She's safe." Blayne assured her. "I'm not so sure. It wouldn't be safe to let her touch Ari." Blue said. Peyton hurried back inside, grabbed a handful of chocolate bars, and rushed back out. She opened one, desperately and threw it to Blayne. "Ooh!! I love these! Try it Blue!" Blayne said. "No! We have to be careful! What even is that?" Blue protested. Without a thought, Ari jumped at the chocolate and ate it up in the blink of an eye.

"Ari!" Blue scolded. Peyton threw more chocolate at them, and Ari and Blayne both ate started to eat them off the floor like hungry puppies. Blue rolled her eyes. "Like father like son." The baby indoraptor squirmed, and Blue let her go. Peyton noticed the baby. "Aww. She's a darling." Peyton said, while admiring her from a safe distance. "Darling?" Blue thought to herself. "I think I'll name her that."

Peyton chucked a chocolate bar at Blue. Blue started at it like she'd been hit with a nuke, then, she took a bite. The rich, sugary taste of the chocolate swept Blue off. She looked at Peyton for more, and she ran back in to grab the whole box. After the box was empty, Peyton gave Blayne one last pat, before he left. "Bye Blayne. You'll visit again, won't you?" Peyton said to herself.

The story will end here? Right? Happily ever after? Right? Sorry, but there are no happily ever afters in the real world. (If you don't like sad stories, leave now, because it's not getting better.)

Life moved on, and when Ari was 3, Blayne began realizing that he wasn't hunting as well. He was very slow, constantly tired and didn't have strength to take down any prey. Darling was doing ok, and despite being younger, was better and stronger than her brother. Blayne called for a talk with Blue, at night.

"I don't think Ari's getting better. He's getting worse." Blayne said. "Maybe he's just tired. Give a few more weeks. He'll improve." Blue said. "It's like his body is is getting tired. He's not as fast, he's not as strong and he's always sleepy. Like an old man!" Blayne said. Blue nudged him. "Don't say that! I'm sure he's just overworked." "I don't think so." Blayne said. "I'm not going to keep talking about this. You're worried over nothing." Blue grumbled, as she went to sleep.

A month later, and Ari wasn't improving. He was constantly coughing and spent almost all day sleeping. This caught the attention of his worried mother. "You're right. There's something wrong with him." Blue said. "I think I'm going to take him to Peyton. She'll know what to do." Blayne said. "Good idea." Blue agreed.

Blayne arranged Ari on his back, and made a trip to Peyton. He scratched on the door, to make sounds and get her attention. Peyton opened the door, and Blayne, without a second to waste hurried inside like he owned the place. "Oh! Hey Blayne! Long time, no see!" Peyton said. Blayne pushed Ari towards her, and looked at her with a worried face. Peyton immediately got the hint, and ordered Blayne to stay inside. She got in the car and drove to the same veterinarian that treated Blayne years back.

Blayne, anxiously and impatiently waited, but went back to the woods with Blue. "Is Ari ok? Where is he?" Blue asked, worried. "You wouldn't understand, but Peyton is taking him to the miracle lady she took me to years ago. I think her name is vet or something. She's magic. She can heal anything." Blayne said. Blue sighed a sigh of relief, and they both, along with Darling waited for the return of Ari.

Meanwhile, Peyton rushed to the vet, and picked up the raptor(who was 3 foot tall, compared to the 1 and a half foot tall he was last time she saw him.) and went inside to greet the same vet who
helped Blayne. "Peyton! I remember you don't years ago! How's your...uh...little...guy doing?" The vet asked. "Good but I need you to examine his son. There may be something wrong with him." Peyton said.

"Hmm. Any symptoms you've noticed or change of behavior?" The vet asked. "I don't know! Just examine him." Peyton said, impatiently. "The vet took Ari in and after what seemed like hours, came back with him. Judging by the look on the vet's face, Peyton knew something bad was up. She gulped, and even though she was afraid she ask, she asked. "Is everything alright?"

The vet looked down. "I'm afraid not. Due to poor breeding, he gained some sort of genetic disorder that makes his body denying food and as a result, he has no energy.(since food gives you energy) he'll slowly die of starvation in a month or 2. Surprised he made it this far" The vet said. "What? What if I force him to eat?" Peyton asked.

The vet frowned. "It's better to just let him die, than suffer." Peyton felt as like she wanted to cry for her 'grandson" (if you can call him that?) but she didn't. "If you know." The vet suggested. Peyton looked down at the poor young raptor, sleeping, and thought about his family waking up one day and finding out he's dead.

She knew it was wrong, but there was no way she'd let him die in front of his family. "I'll do it." Peyton said. She gave Ari one last goodbye. And left the vet, knowing that Ari wouldn't be returned to his parents. She drove back home, silently crying. She didn't know what to do. She was afraid that Blayne was be looking for Ari, but was relieved to see he wasn't home.

She was paralyzed with fear. He knew where doe lived. So she moved. Away from the state. She knew she betrayed him. But it was for the best. Right?

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