Chapter 3 - The baby is finally here!

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"Charles!! It can't wait. Oh no it's coming!!" Lori heart was breathing at a very fast rate as she was in pains. She was trying her possible best to hold on. She held onto her husband's arm as he was on full speed to get to the hospital.

"You're doing a very good job honey, please be strong we will soon get there," he assured.

Morgan was holding on to Lori's shoulder to calm her down which apparently worked but it wouldn't stop the baby from coming, well of cause she still in pains.

After a few minutes, they pulled over at a hospital. Charles quickly rushed in to look for a nurse to help Lori inside, Morgan helped her out of the car upon a stretcher arriving. Lori laid on the stretcher and she was rushed in.

As Morgan was about to go in, she stopped and looked to the side like she had noticed something. just at that moment, she felt an aura of energy around her. She looked around to see if she could see something but couldn't find anything usual.

"Hey! Morgan c'mon. I'm gonna need some helping hands," she heard Charles say and proceeded into the building.

Before they could get to where Lori was, her last push gave the baby out.

The nurse held her up for the mother to see with a smile but unfortunately for her, it was at that moment she noticed that the baby was not crying or moving let alone breathing.

Lori was terrified to see this, it felt like a nightmare to her, "No, what's happening? What's wrong with my baby?" she asked whilst trying to breath. Just at the time when the nurse and the doctor were trying to save its life, Charles rushed in to the see the scene in front of him.

He almost dropped to the ground, the male nurse behind him quickly grabbed him up and he gets a hold of himself. Upon returning to his senses, he rushed to his wife who was feeling tired and weeping at the same time.

The agony of losing her child swept over her mind.

" wrong with our baby Charles!" she cried and her husband placed his palm over her head to calm her down and make her strong. Morgan just stood there obviously didn't know what was going on since all her life she had spent it alone in the woods.

The baby was already put on an oxygen and going through a CPR. They were more terrified at this point.

"His pulse isn't returning, he's getting cold." The nurse said as the doctor continued the CPR. He didn't want to give up on him just like that after seeing the terrified and worried look on the parents' face.

After few minutes, they were not getting any pulse from the baby. The doctor at this point did not have any choice but to pronounce the death of the baby.

"No," Lori cried out loud in her husband's arms. "We lost the baby!" Charles was disturbed. They kept on comforting each other.

The doctor walked closer to them, "I'm so sorry," he said standing at ease with his hands crossed within his laps.

"No, his not dead. My son is not dead!!" She replied

"I tried my best. We lost him."

"You best weren't enough!" she retorted in anger.

Morgen left where she was standing and walked over to where the baby was. No one in the room noticed this. She fondled the baby's face gently and fell to the ground.

It was at that moment they all looked back and the baby's pulse slowly returned. The doctors were surprised to see this. It was a miracle to see a baby whose pulse had gone for minutes starting to breath again.

Charles and Lori took a long sigh seeing this. A nurse quickly rushed to Morgan who was laying unconsciously on the ground and checked her pulse. She couldn't feel any pulse at all.

She called the attention of the doctor and they held her up on the nearest bed in the room. Apparently, it turned out there was another bed in the room. They clipped her finger and her breath started to return shortly.

She breathed loudly enough for them to hear but she wasn't waking up. The doctor noticed this and brought out a pen from his pocket to check her eyes. he saw that there was something unusual about her.

Charles scurried to the doctor's side, "What's going on, is she alright?" he asked out of curiosity.

"She just needs some rest. It seems she's too tired." The doctor replied.

Charles looked over his shoulders to Morgan and sighed.

He couldn't thank God enough for saving the both of them. He looked back to his wife and smiled. He felt how lucky he was to have the both of them.

Lori was holding her baby in her arms and foundling it, wiping her tears away as she smiled at the baby.

The baby was throwing confused looks at her which made her chuckle. Charles slowly walked to her side and held his baby while giving his wife a kiss and the forehead.

"He is so adorable. Look at those eyes, thank you so much Lori," he whispered enough for her to hear and she smiled briefly at him.

"Mr Charles, can I see you for a second?" the doctor demanded. Charles released his wife and went out of the room with the doctor shutting the door behind him.

"If I'm being honest here the condition of your daughter is still under monitoring. She's in a vegetative state. We cannot precisely state when she's going to wake up."

"Coma?! But you just said she was fine, some minutes ago,"

"That was because your wife was there, what she needs now is an absolute rest. She had just gone through a lot. If she worries too much it could affect her blood pressure. Did you notice anything unusual about your daughter lately? Symptoms or anything?"

"No, she was fine minutes ago. She was totally fine."

"Okay, we have to run some test. I will need you to sign some documents for me,"

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