Chapter 4 - The day we met

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After signing the Important documents Charles returned back to Lori who was fondling her baby's face with her fingers dearly, she was so overwhelmed by the sounds and smiles the baby was making.

The joy of her giving birth to her baby safely had taken over her thoughts that she had forgotten about Morgan.

She looked up to Charles as she now noticed his presence.

"Morgan... is she okay?" she asked worriedly.

"Doc said she is in coma. Honestly, I don't know if she's gonna wake up but I hope she would be fine," he sighed.

"Poor girl... we shouldn't have brought her with us, it all our fault,"

Lori was starting to get worried and restless. She was against the fact that she came with them.

She couldn't help but be worried that the girl risked her life for her child's.

"Did you see when our baby was not breathing? She did something to him... I think she did. What if she doesn't wake up? Our baby is not gonna forgive us."

She looked down at the baby sleeping. Charles took her face in his hands, "She's gonna wake up, you need to rest please for the sake of both of them. You should rest," he said and she nodded.

He took the baby from her and lay him gently in the hospital crib. He gently placed a peck of his forehead and the baby moved slowly falling back asleep.

He returned back to Lori, lowered her bed for a better comfort and gave her a peck too. She looked at him and he forcefully smiled, nodding to reassure her that everything was fine.
She also smiled back nodding and closed her eyes.

Charles finally got to step out of the room and walked down the hall way to the receptionist.

He removed his phone from his pocket and dialled his partner's phone number. He placed his other hand on his waist waiting patiently for him to pick. It took about five rings before he finally picked up.

"Hey.... Thomas"

"Thank goodness! What happened? The suspect was last seen at your place, are you alright? Where are you? I've been trying to reach you and I'm presently at your house, I couldn't find you there. Are you... alright? Are you safe there?" his partner sounded so worried. He breathed and listened to what Charles had to say next.

"We left for my parents' sorry to scare you mate, everyone is safe."

"Very well,"

Charles started to work towards where Morgan was, "Is there perhaps any case of a missing teenager recently?" he asked.

"No, haven't heard of any. Is everything alright?" He replied leaving Charles doorstep and gets into his car shutting the door.

Walking into Morgan's room, "No, everything is fine." Charles replied.

He took his face off his ear and swiped to change to camera. He took a picture of Morgan and set it to Thomas.

"You sent an Image?" Thomas asked.

"Yes, I want you to look into that girl's parents"

"Her name?" Thomas reached for his jotter in his pocket.

"Morgan er..."

"Morgan what? You don't know her last name?"

It was at this moment Charles realised he didn't ask for her last name. For the first time her felt like an idiot.

"I'm sure you will figure something out," he replied and ended the call. The call ended revealing the picture he took earlier.

He saw that her eyes were opened in the picture.

He looked away from his phone down to see Morgan smiling creepily at him again. He freaked out and almost screamed.

He held onto is chest, moving closer to her.  

"Are you alright?" he asked.

She nodded and he sighed in relieve. He pulled her into a hug like his own daughter, within that couples of seconds Morgan felt some kind of affection.

His warmth gave her comfort like she was hugging her own father.

Charles pulled away first and urged her to lay in bed and get some rest. "I will be in the next room, tell me if you need anything okay?"

She nodded and Charles made his way out of her room.

Morgan watched him walk out before her smile finally disappeared and wore a straight look. She seemed worried about something.

The energy she felt when she was coming into the hospital was differently and strong unlike any she has seen.

She turned to a side of the bed to get comfortability when she sensed the energy again.

It seemed quite close this time. It was getting pretty close like it was coming for her. She started to feel uncomfortable and choked at the same time. Her heart was racing.

She felt like going for a run as it grew really closer.  She got out of bed and quickly hid behind a plant at the bed side.

She suddenly heard the door pulled open and saw a shadow walked in from under the bed.

The shadow grew closer likewise the footsteps.

At this point, she was completely afraid that she had her eyes shut.

She was shivering gently when the shadow appeared beside her. She had thought it was one of the men in cloaks.

She opened her eyes to look up briefly when she screamed in reflex. A guy in the same hospital clothes she was wearing was standing right in front of her.          

"Hey...Hey...Hey... it's okay, its fine!" the figure tried to calm her down which she did after screaming her lungs out.

She took few steps away before she finally asked, "Who are you and what are you doing here?"

"I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm a patient too, just curious about who was next door and wanted to say Hi! It gets very bored here you know. I'm just trying to have some fun."

Morgan could finally see how handsome and charming he was. He had this temple faded hair style, roundish- Almond eyes, roman shaped nose and pointy natural set of lips. She smiled at him and said,


Just as the moment the door pulled open and Charles stepped in looking very worried.

"Is everything alright here?"

They both looked back to Charles. "What are you doing here?" Charles asked upon seeing him. Obviously, he could see he was also a patient.

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