Chapter 5 - I will find you

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Trying to think of an excuse. Though he had thought he was her father so he stammered to give an excuse like a teenage boy meeting his girlfriend's father for the first time.

   "Er... I was just saying hello... happen to be the one next door," he said.

Morgan nodded her acquiescence. The figure hastened his steps towards the door and looked back at Charles before he left. Charles just stood there with his hand in his pocket and watched him leave.

He looked at Morgan, "Seems like you found yourself a friend," he teased. Morgan scoffed looking toward the door which was now shut.

      "Friend? He is not my friend. We just met for a shot while,"

                  "That would have hurt his lovely heart hearing you say that."

                  "I doubt that, you had something to say to me?"

                   "Are you okay? I heard you scream."

                    "No, I'm fine. He freaked me out."

                     "Oh, sorry about that. Like I said if you need anything...." he gestured towards the other room and smile.

He made his way out just after Morgan nodded.  Shutting the door from behind.

He was already half way to the other room when he suddenly changed his direction like he was going back to Morgan's room. He walked pass it and opened the next door.

The figure standing by the window inside looked back to see a punch coming for his face. Charles biffed him in the face and held him by the collar.

                         "Name?!" he asked fuming in his face. The figure was so scared and now has a sour lip. He was trembling. His heart was beating at a fast rate.

                          "Wayne..." he replied within his gasp for breath.

                           "Wayne What?" he shouted in his face tightening his grip.

                           "Wayne parker.... Let go of me!" he snapped with a light push. Charles drifted backwards a little in surprise.

                            "I don't know what you were doing in her room but I swear if you do anything stupid I would..."

                            "Do what? You can't go about harassing people just because they are trying to be friends with your daughter."

                            "My daughter?"

                            "Yes, what? She ain't your daughter?" Wayne asked upon noticing his reaction.

                            "You know what I ain't got shit to say to you, I don't want you near her. You understand?"

Charles started clearly and walked out of his room.  Wayne adjusted his clothes, seething inside.


  Amidst some damaged houses stood three figures in black cloaks.  They gathered around each other holding one another with their face up in the air. They seem to be channelling some energy from each other.

They were grunting with their neck veins popped out clearly. They suddenly stopped and faced down to look at each other. They released themselves of their grip and breathed in. One of them cracked his neck, moving closer to another.

He stared into his eyes and bumped his head into him. Mysteriously, they joined together. He tilted his head up in the air and breathed again.

One of his eyes suddenly turned blue and his neck veins popped out more. Blue energy could be seen passing through his veins to his eyes. Moving closer to the second one, he repeated the same thing. This time his eye turned green.

                        "Zuferos!... I will find you. You will not be able to run from me."  He shouted into the empty air. Just to express his anger.

He was furious that he could kill anyone that is unfortunate to cross path with him at that moment.

He turned out to be a single person appearing in three forms. He had a dominance smile as he walked into the darkness, disappearing completely into it.

Not knowing the fact that someone had just witnessed it. A man in his 50's witness this. He was trembling like he was about to faint. He almost peed in his pants.                                           


A figure in a white lab coat opened Morgan's door. He happens to be humming some sort of lullaby. Morgan's back was turned against the door and she was fast asleep to notice that anyone had come into the room.

The lullaby didn't stop. A hand reached for her face caressing her with care. She finally felt it. Her brows furrowed in confusion as she finally opened her eyes.

                  "Who are you?" she was shocked because the person didn't behave like a doctor.

It's not like a doctor would go in and start caressing his patient face if not a perverted one.

                   "Zuferos..." he whispered.

Morgan's eyes became wider like she knew something. She shifted away from his touch and looked away.

                  "What are you talking about?" She asked.

                  "Don't act like you don't know what I am talking about, you are Zuferos aren't you?"

                  "I do not know who or what that is,"

                 "Oh really," he smiled and pointed towards her exposed chest.

                   "That? I did that to you," he added.

Morgan quickly covered herself, "I am not who you think I am," she protested.

The figure started stepping close to her bed side.

"Hey, Doc just got the news that we can be discharged." Charles voice distracted them from behind.

The figure put a smile on his face and turned back. Morgan sighed in relief as she saw Charles. She relaxed her muscles brushing her hair backward.

He left her side and walked up to Charles. "Well congratulations to you Mr Charles, I guess you're a free bird now," he said.

"Oh, that's surprising, I can't remember telling you my name," Charles scratched the back of his head in confusion.

         "Heard the Chief doc mentioned you earlier," he lied.

Charles nodded in understanding before he finally held out his hand for a proper appreciation. The figure shook hand with him.

Charles unexpectedly pulled the figure into a hug which left him confused.

He released him from the hug. Charles seemed all very excited about the whole situation.

   "I am a first-time dad!" he was way too excited.

     "I am deeply sorry about that. I couldn't hold my feelings," he apologized.

Morgan was impressed with herself seeing how happy Charles was, it was her first time making someone that happy and it felt so good that she couldn't help but smiled.

"I am glad Mr Charles," the figure pet his shoulder as he exited the room with his smile fading away.

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