Part 4 -

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— guys I changed the ages - y/n is 17 and Tom is 18 so it fits more into the story —

i woke up with tom in my arms, he was sleep talking "no.. no please don't do anything to her.. she's only 17!! please!" he was sobbing so i woke him up "tommy?" he looks up at me with big sad eyes looking directly at mine, "y-y/n" he hugs me securely "what where you- what was your dream about?" i say worried still hanging on tight, "you- nothing.." gosh.. i never new how much of a softie he was till now.. him having nightmares about bad things happening to.. to me? "it's ok tom.. i'm here" i say calmly kissing his lips, i wipe his tears off and smile at him "your so cute" i laugh, he rolls his eyes at me "shut upp" he groans, "y/n.. i'm sorry about me just leaving you.. i feel bad about what happened." i look at him sadly "so your apologising?" he smiles "yes, yes i am." "i smirk and look at the big hotel view outside, cars chasing about, girls laughing, "it's ok tommy" i say winking, "i love you so much.." he says softly in a raspy voice including a german accent, a boy never made me feel this way, he's just different.. you know?

"tom i have news for youu!" i say in a sing song tone, "whatt" he joins in smiling down at me, "i'm joining tokiohotel" i exclaim, his smile goes even higher, "REALLY!? FUCK YEAHH!"
He starts dancing in a really funny way "and your happy about it?" I ask genuinely making sure what he said was true, "of course, y/n, you being in my band is pure joy!" He kisses my forehead as I giggle.

"y/n.. I'm just confused, why did timothee beat you up?" He changed the topic so fast.. him asking that made my smile drop, shit. I don't want to tell him the truth or it'll get worse, I don't know what he would, do to him. I inhale deeply, "fuck it.." I murmur "so.. me and him where dating for about 2 years? Yeah.. well it didn't go so well, he was diagnosed with being "bi-polar" every time I did one thing wrong he would do something to me.. like... like..." I couldn't get my words out, I can't tell him, not now, it will ruin his mood, "what? Y/n.. what." He says weakly smiling at me, his look made me fold "have sex with me without my.. permission." I mumble sadly, l can't believe I told him.. he's the only person who knows now.. "w-what.. no.. that.. that can't be true" he stutters looking down on my wrist noticing the deep knife scar. ( not s3lf-harm ) "y/n.. what is that?" He gasped under his breath, I cover it with my hand and look away, "it's nothing, don't worry about it!" I say fake smiling, I think he realised because he started tearing up. "Did.. did he do that to, you?" He spoke with a sad tone, "mhm.." his face blew with anger, he shot up from bed not even worrying that he doesn't have a shirt on, just his plaited pyjama sweats, "TOM, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" I yell at him trying to get an answer, "BEATING THAT BASTARD UP!" He laughs like a maniac, I follow him as he bashes the door open of the other boys'

I bash their door open and yell "TIMOTHEE!!" In a raging tone, he gets up from his bed as fast as flash, "what happened!?" He answers back clearly annoyed, I couldn't care less, what he did was WRONG, deeply wrong, he needs a taste of his own blood, "YOU, MOTHERFUCKER!!" I take the first punch in the nose, I probably made it broken but who even gives a fuck now! I go on top of him and start punching him faster than he ever could, he pushes me and makes me fall on the edge of the table, my back being in intense pain won't stop me, I get up and push him away from me, I start punching and slapping him again so hard that his whole face is full of blood, he pushes me away from him once again "enough!! Enough, enough enough!!" His voice is full of terror, you could tell since it was shaking, I think it's fair enough to say that I won.

Fuck!! "Tom!! Are you ok!?" I go to him and place my hands on his face, he winks and kicks timothee in the face, he groans and spits blood out, "fuck!!" I run to timothee and ask him if he's ok, "timothee! Are you ok!?? Please!!" He's unconscious. "TOM WHAT THE FUCK!!?" he killed him.. he actually killed someone. Tom hugs me so I push him away "GO AWAY YOU SICK FREAK OH MY GOD!!" I start crying, Tom looks at me sadly and angrily at the same time, I don't care though, he killed someone. The others walk in and scream "OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED!?" Bill yells and covers his mouth, I hug bill and start crying, "he-he killed him!" I mumble, Tom storms off out of the resort and climbs into his shiny Range Rover, he drives off while I'm crying in bills arms once again, the boys help timothee up and put him on the couch, "guys.. im going to go to town.. I need some fresh air.." I say looking down at the floor with shiny eyes full of tears, "btw y/n we are going hospital so we won't be able to answer any calls or texts. Stay safe!" Bill speaks, they all nod as I walk out feeling the fresh air part through my hair.

I'm in the store walking through different isles trying to find that good german chocolate that I wanted for ages but I just can't find it.. what I did find was a creepy man who seems to be in his 20s staring at me directly in the eyes, I get out of the store, he's behind me creepily smiling.. fuck I need to go home, I turn a different direction but he's still there, I grab my phone and text Tom.

 fuck I need to go home, I turn a different direction but he's still there, I grab my phone and text Tom

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He doesn't answer. Fuck what do I do. The man grabs my arm and pulls me to him, I scream but he covers my mouth, "HLPP HEL-" he punches my stomach and puts me in his car, I start sobbing, "shut up!! SHUT UP!!" He spits, he puts his hand on my inner thigh, I slap it off "oh come on.. be a good girl for me." I get an instant ick when he says that, "No! You stupid pig!!" I try opening the door but he put a childlock on. "Please can I get out.. why are you doing this" I stutter, he smirks at me, "oh honey, because your beautiful.. I bet your even more beautiful underneath all those clothes.." I roll my eyes and tears form, am I going to get raped..? Am I going to die.. this can't be true. I hear a buzz on my phone

 I hear a buzz on my phone

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yes yes.. he answered.. just in a few minu- "what is that" the man snatches the phone out of my hands and throws it out of the car "NOOOO!" I scream, the mans hand raises higher to my skirt and to my pants, I start screaming and telling him to stop but he keeps on touching me..

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