part 17 -

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"tom..?" i mumble, i walk towards him but then he disappears, i fall on the ground and ball my eyes out, good thing i brought waterproof mascara, "y/n." i hear tom say, i try looking around but i can't seem to see him,  "oh my god are you y/n from tokio hotel!? could i have a picture" she grins, i nod my head as she takes a picture, my phone buzzes rapidly as i'm getting a million notifications, i run to the bathroom and check, "y/n l/n missing!" - "y/n from tokio hotel spotted!?" i run to get Mia, i see her making out with some guy, "Mia we need to go NOW!" i scream nervously, "um-" i cut her off as we run to the car, i shut the door.
"why did you do that!?" she yells, i show her the phone, "oh fuck.. TOM WILL SEE THAT"she shakes me, "NOO" i groan.

"ughh" i groan as i get up from bed to get myself a cup of water, my phone starts vibrating, i roll my eyes and check what it is, "y/n l/n's doppelgänger!?" my eyes widen as i check the photos, she looks different, she has red hair, tattoos, but hell she looks hot as fuck, i comment on the post, "no fucking way." i smile, i decide to text Mia.

i run to change, you know the usual, baggy shirt, baggy jeans, a cap and my dreads up

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i run to change, you know the usual, baggy shirt, baggy jeans, a cap and my dreads up. i run to the car and start driving to Mia's house.

shit he knows, my phone buzzes again, i check it and it's the news, "19 year old murder died from suicide, his name was Leonardo Michael." i gasp and cup my hand to my mouth, "HES DEAD MIA, LEONARDO IS DEAD!!" i yell in excitement, my worst nightmare is finally gone and i can see my best  friends including my tom. me and Mia hop out of the car and go to her bedroom to change into pjs, i bought really hot ones so i decided to wear them, they are black plaided shorts with a v neck crop top, you can see my star tattoo and my belly button piercing. i pose in the mirror till i hear knocking, i groan and open it, "ye-" i see tom with teary eyes looking down at mine, i burst to tears and hug him, "i fucking missed you so much" his voice cracks as he hugs me back.

"i love you" i mumble in his ear and sob in his chest, he kisses me passionately and smiles admiring what has changed about me, "your making me turned o-" he chuckles as Mia cuts him off, "alrighty! that's enough for today!" she drags me inside, "what noo! i wanna go with tom!" i groan, "finee but text me when you get there!" she smiles then hugs me, tom picks me up and walks to his car, he puts me in the passenger seat as he's driving, he puts his hand on my thigh and rubs it slightly, he drives off, i look at his hand and go red, i can see the smirk on his face, "we are going to the official "tokio hotel" house as the others call it but they can't admit to the fact that it's actually my house." tom laughs, i laugh with him admiring his features.

"Leonardos dead" i say giggling, "finally that bitch is dead" he exhales, he outlines my star tattoo with his finger, "i'm gonna see that star be full tonight"  he whispers in my ear huskily, "oh yeah?" i reply tilting my head, "fuck yeah" he answers. "here it is!" he says in a sing song tone, "holy shit your house is huge!!" i laugh, "like my dic-" i cut him off with a slap in the chest. "Y/NN!!" bill screams running towards me to hug me, he hugs me for a long time, "your alive" he squeals, "y/n?" Georg says, "Y/N!!" he runs to hug me as well and so does Gustav, "OH MY GOD HOW!?" they all say, tom just stares at my ass the whole time, can't blame him,  "hey eyes up here!" i say joking looking at tom, he rolls his eyes and picks me up to go to his room, "obviously toms having her all to himself" bill groans.

i look behind him and shrug my shoulders smiling, tom pushes me on the bed and places his lips on mine turning one kiss to be a full make-out, he runs his fingers through my hair and un-clips the bra through the shirt with one hand, "ooo, i'm impressed" i giggle, he smirks and kisses my neck softly but still leaving marks, we hear knocks, "oh- ok well we are having a movie night, wanna join" bill says grinning, "yes!" i say, i kiss tom and take his hand, we go downstairs to the living room and all cuddle up, tom puts his head on my chest as i wrap my hands around him, the others are getting the food and drinks ready,  "your so beautiful meine liebe" he whispers in my ear, i kiss his cheek making him smile, "alright lovebirds enough kissing and let's watch the movie yeah?" Gustav says getting a blanket over him, everyone else lays down as we watch the movie. i get a text so i check who it is, it's an unknown number, the text reads "your so fat and disgusting i hope you go kill your self and the truth is, tom doesn't even like you" my heart sinks. "popcorn?" tom asks handing me it warmly smiling, i shake my head "drink?" he asks again, i shake my head, "come on baby eat" he hugs me, "i'm not hungry tommy" i groan softly, on the other hand, i was but that text ruined me.

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