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@ᴄʜᴏɪ ʙᴇᴏᴍɢʏᴜ☆⁎
"goood morninngg brother!"
i heard my sister yell following by the sound of the door in my room swing open

i have been awake for a while but i was just too tired to even get up so i was just laying around

"oh- my gosh. did you not sleep last night!??"
my sister stood infront of crouching down and examining my fave commenting on it

ofcourse i didn't sleep. i was fixing my glasses

"hm go away"
i said quietly trying to get up but my head seemed to be hurting so i layed down again

"what did you even do last night staying up late?"
seoun spoke while walking away from me and looking around my room

"i was fixing my glasses"
i state seriously though my voice sounded weird in the morning

i fought back yo the pain i was feeling and forced myself to get up since i have to go outside with kai too

"well. your eyes look sick, maybe you should rest?"
seoun recommend walking up to my bed and sitting besides me while i seatched for my phone

"no. i have to go out with kai today"
i mention taking my phone and opening it to check the time and to see if kai have texted me

"are you going on a date??"
seoun being nosy as always asked while peeking through my phone while i just sighed

"we're just friends. its just a friendly hangout. and i just met him yesterday"
i explained getting up and placing my phone on the table besides my bed while seoun also got up

"when are you going?"
seoun asked walking up to the door and waiting near the my room entrance till I answered

"when kai texts?"
i said since i don't know when. i will just have to wait till kai texts any way

"okay than you should come down to eat"
seoun said before closing the door of my room leaving me alone in my room with complete silence

and peace. i only heard the sound of the air conditioner in my room. i felt relieved

i walked up to my mirror to see my face looking like an absolute mess. and it's all that weird elsa human with higher power's doing

i swear i will undo this curse one day and learn other basic powers to get revenge on that guy

i sighed looking around my room and finally going to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready

i took a shower not long after i went to the bathroom and got out as fast as i could searching for some clothes in my closet

i found a light colored green sweater and some jeans to wear so i just wore them

(-🥱 gurl this explanation is bad I can't-)

i decided to put some light makeup on since my face looked so dead. i went downstairs slowly after i got ready to see seoun on the couch with one of her friend

i think her name was yunjin. they hangout a lot though yunjin just came back from malaysia so im pretty sure they'll be hanging out again more

i walked to the kitchen to realize that i wasn't actually interested in eating so i opened the refrigerator and grabbed some strawberries with some milk

that's all i ate and i checked my phone to see that kai have already texted me an hour ago so i decided to just call him

(you ate 😃 milk-? 😣🤨)

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