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ᴄʜᴏɪ sᴏᴏʙɪɴ ✪⍟
suddenly i felt a force pull me away and i felt my body press against a hard surface along with a my head hitting the surface

i groaned slowly opening my eyes for it to meet with another pair of eyes. a red one. looking deep into my soul

i looked down from the eyes and to the person's lips somewhat feeling a type of deja vu but than i realized it wasn't a human

i trued to shift away but than i knew i was pressed against a tree and my hands were pinned above my head

i gasped as there was no way i was gonna be able to protect myself. wait no

it's just pain and i could just heal myself after so what

i calmed down looking at the person infront of me who kept a good grip on my wrists and smiled at him

the person didn't speak at all he just had a blank expression and the next thing i knew the bloodsucking creature had it's fangs inside my neck

i was used to pain for sure. but not this kind of pain with no doubt

i hissed in pain closing my eyes and opening them again. all i saw was just a dark coloured hair which i couldn't wether it was purple or just black

my vision got kind of blurry so i closed my eyes for a second and i opened them again as i felt the long fangs that was deep inside my my neck leave my body slowly and the grip on my wrists loosen

i opened my eyes and still saw nothing but just blur

"you're human.."
i heard the unfamiliar figure talking standing infront of me

i closed my eyes to heal my neck but i just felt weak even trying to use it

"what's a human like you doing at a place like this?"
i heard the person speak again and i opened my eyes to clearly see the view of the person infront of me

his dark red eyes had vanished. and i couldn't see the colour of his eyes due to the darkness surrounding the place

"who are you"
i said touching my neck where the person bit me and rubbing my hands against it though i felt nothing

"no one important. but what are you doing at a place like this. you could get killed"
the vampire spoke to me as if we know each other which didn't make any sense

"mind your own business"
i said scoffing and walking away from the place and towards the empty area

and why wasn't i running away? i didn't really care i took out my phone as i heard it vibrating a bit and looked at it to see kai calling


"where are you soobin!? taehyun is here"
i heard kai's voice through the phone

"i was looking for taehyun., i'll go back than"
i said sighing and leaning down on a tree behind me

"come back its dangerous out there where are you!?"
kai questioned and i was about to answer but my phone was snatched by someone

i looked behind me to see the weird vampire person who owes me an apology

"hello soobin's friend soobin's with me"
he said through the phone and i just looked at him annoyed

"give me back my phone!"
i demanded trying to snatch my phone away

"no not exactly well he'll be home in a while bye"
the person said to the phone and hung up the phone and j snatched the phone from him

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