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@ᴄʜᴏɪ ʙᴇᴏᴍɢʏᴜ☆⁎
a second later sunghoon was back on the ground

"finally im back again on land"
sunghoon said dusting him self off a bit scoffing at taehyun

"are you okay?"
kai asked sunghoon who gave him a smile in return

"yeah thanks for asking"
he said smiling at kai and kai just smiled back at him

"he was just telling me about another person who came here from our world to get to the crystal"
i said explaining gaining everyone's attention and eyes on me

"wait which one??"
soobin asked curiously looking at sunghoon for an answer

"that's what i was about to ask and someone had to come and ruin the moment"
i spoke out staring at taehyun with an annoyed look and he just shrugged

"well he had dark blue hair and was about this tall"
sunghoon started explaining and pointing at soobin

"his name was choi daniel and he-"

"woah! another choi that's so cool"
kai chimed in cutting of sunghoon's words looking at me and soobin with a evil smile

"i feel like im describing too much-"

"that's not the question i asked"
i said interrupting sunghoon and looking at him with a pout and he just rolled his eyes at me

"yeah so he went to find some crystal to get some memory back about some flashbacks or some sh××t—"

"that's exactly the same reason why soobin here is here with us!"
kai again interrupted sunghoon's words making sunghoon sigh out of frustration

suddenly there was a black smoke infront of sunghoon and there was another person standing infront of sunghoon

sunghoon got startled but he stood up catching himself from falling anyway

"sunoo is looking for you dumba×× let's go home"
the person infront of sunghoon stood putting his hands to his hips and sunghoon shook his head

"you came here to tell me that?"
he said looking disappointed

"yeah. he said jungwon went missing again"
the person infront of sunghoon said. they were having a full convo while we all were watching

"it's nice knowing ya beomgyu"
sunghoon said wasting no time giving me a wink and disappearing in the air along with the unknown person infront of him

kai slowly mumbled and soobin just sighed

"let's just get along with the plan-"

"im hungry"
kai stated as we didn't eat in the morning. it was true i was also kind of tired

"we're gonna eat. and keep walking" 
taehyun sternly said before anyone could say anything he than walked over some logs and sat down closing his eyes

i said going up to him and sitting besides him while soobin and kai went somewhere a bit far away from me and taehyun

though we could see them clearly sitting down on sone rocks while kai was just complaining

"didn't you bring food?"
i asked taehyun and he tilted his head at me opening his eyes and sitting up straight

he than motioned with his hands without saying anything and teleporting food to my hands

he simply said after giving me some cereal? okay i mean that's normal but weird cause im having breakfast in a forest

i took a bite slowly and looking at taehyun who was besides me but a bit far away

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