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LOCATION: Seoul, South Korea

Stumbling right after her father while being dragged back to their residence after an hour's trip of fetching her from Japan. Pulling her into her room pivoting her hard.

"Getting married? You ran away to seek refuge in your Uncle's country just to get some...some boy?!" He roared at his daughter, who was still looking down silently sobbing. "You are only 18 for God's sake?! What would people say?"

"It's not like we're getting married today, it was supposed to be 5-6 years from now." The words coming out more of a whisper.

"You dare answer back?" Raising his hand but stopping mid-air when his daughter seemed to be readying herself for the impact, inhaling deeply wanting to calm himself down.

"Give that ring back to him, you're not marrying him. I already arranged you for someone more suitable." He said as he turned to leave.

"What?! No!" Reaching out to her fathers hands then getting down on her knees begging her father, afraid she'll lose someone she loves.

"Dad, I am happy with him please. Don't do this." Her voice breaking with each plea. "Please, I am sorry if I ran away... Dad, please. He makes me happy, makes me feel secure and content for once. I have always done what you ask me to, for once I just want to do something for me. To know the simplicity of loving and feeling loved."

"This is just some puppy love that you flourished through your infatuation for him. Get up!" Rage raked through his body as his daughter begged him. Glaring at his daughter before pulling his hand and walking towards the door.

"You only stay with him because he makes you happy. Does he feel the same way for you though? He had a dream of becoming an Idol, right? Don't be selfish and let him achieve that dream of his. Let him go and I might just ensure that I won't ruin his career. And you, Young lady, are staying here until you reflect on your actions." Locking her in her room where she banged on the door crying to be let out.


Location: Beijing China

"After 8 years of disappearing did you really just come home to become an alcoholic?" His father asked him with a hint of disdain in his voice.

He ignores his father knowing how he viewed his own son with disappointment and contempt. Not even acknowledging his success in the media industry that he worked hard to get on his own.

Continuing to drink liquor from the family bar as he tried to drown out his heart break after breaking up with his boyfriend of 8 months.

"I arranged for you to marry someone... more suitable... than your ex-boyfriend." The odium evident in his voice when he said the word 'boyfriend', as he can't believe his son entered a homosexual relationship.

Gripping his glass a bit too tight, knowing his father disapproves of his old relationship but not knowing what to do anymore as the only person who seemed to have cared and loved him was gone. He had a solemn look on his face as he refilled his glass.

"Mn." Was his only response to that, thinking maybe this was what could make his father proud of him, maybe following his father's request could impress his father.

His father only nodded and left him to drown himself in whiskey.

"He leaves for 8 years and comes back with a man." Shaking his head as he left, feeling frustrated as to how this will reflect on their family image. They have a reputation to uphold after all, even if his fans are approving of this who says the general public would be happy if rumors got out.

Though he acted as though he didn't hear it, his grip on the glass tightened as he felt hurt for his father's disapproval for his actions, trying to show off what he achieved but the only thing that his father noticed were the negative aspects upon his return.

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