Chapter 7: Dragon and Pheonix

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Natalia smiled at the two people then bowed. "Mama, Papa. Welcome home."

"Happy New Year Sweetie~" Vanessa greeted her second eldest, hugging her. "Pretty as always, come on let's go it's freezing. We brought gifts by the way."

She aged fairly well like fine wine, you can tell by her wrinkles that she was already aged yet her rejuvenated skin says that she was well pampered and taken care of. She radiated that aura of a parent who was easy going and caring, a reason why most of their children run to her all the time.

"Happy New Year Pa." She greeted her father, who nodded in return and continued to talk on his phone.

He then turned to the maids who came out to greet the head of the house. "Take the luggages out, put my suitcase into my office, and the gifts under the tree."

Albert Yang had always had this stern look that seemed to be plastered on his face, though even if he was smiling it seemed forced. The stress of running a business as well as a kingdom was evident on his face, all the pressure stored behind a stoic face.

"How was your trip to Europe? I thought you won't be back until next week." Natalia starts as she follows them inside.

"Delightful honey, it would have been better if someone did not have to answer his phone every time it rang though. We came back a bit earlier because we missed you and it's been a while since we were complete and at home for the first week of the year." Vanessa said while rolling her eyes playfully, then sitting down on the couch. "Where are your siblings? Is Louis here? Oh, I remembered the daughter of the Lee's are here,right?"

"I would have not needed to answer my phone if your son simply accepted and did his responsibility to the company and as a prince, then I would not need to answer calls." He pointed out. He has been trying to make his son leave that unstable career of his, being an actor is not something someone with a status like himself, is supposed to be doing. As they are vulnerable to rumors that may taint his image. Then standing up excusing himself to take a call.

Natalia turned to her mother then smiled ignoring what her father said about Martell as she knew saying anything would be futile. "Franciz went to bring Savanna to the airport, Marius is in the garden, Madelyn and Darleanne are in their rooms resting, Same goes with Martell. He just came home a few hours back. Yeah, Sean is here. He just went to get something from his room."

"So, Martell was out again?" Her Father scoffs as he returns. "Was he even here for the holiday? Did he even bother to meet the one he is betrothed to? I do not wish to explain to Harold why his daughter got offended by my son. Where is she anyways? Caroline? Caroline Lee"

"You mean Naomi?" Natalia facing her father, keeping her tone in a non-defensive way. "Martell spent Christmas and New Year here, he just came home this afternoon as he and Naomi were on a date. Also you just missed Naomi, she left just a few minutes before you arrived."

Albert was left speechless, so Caroline left a few minutes before they arrived. He didn't know if Harold informed her about their arrival, but he did inform his daughter and Caroline still left felt slightly disrespected if that was the case. His thoughts were cut off when two of his other daughters entered the main hall to greet them.

"Happy New Year Mama and Papa, how was your flight?" Darleanne asks after they sat down, while Madelyn was quietly typing away on her phone.

"It was peaceful, that's for sure, no air traffic." Vanessa smiled at her daughter.

"Ma, Pa. Mirachel Jie is on her way along with her husband and the twins." Madelyn states while putting her phone down.

"Oh good, I miss my grandchildren." Noticing that her husband is kind of out of the moment and is still thinking about how they just missed their future daughter in law. Putting her hand on top of his. "Darling, don't think too much about it. She must have missed her family, imagine spending it in a foreign country, she meant no disrespect I am sure. Plus as Natalia has said she and Martell spent some time together before she left so it's fine. Just enjoy the holiday with your children."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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