Chapter 3: Milk?

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Martell, knocking upon the guest room where Naomi was staying, gave her the finger heart gestures.To which she just stared blankly at him.

He felt more anxious when she didn't respond and just stared blankly at him. Making him think if doing that was a good decision or not. He knows that they both are in a situation they both didn't want and just wanted to make her feel more comfortable since they became friends three years back, so the giving of 4 hearts in the process.

"Wait, I can't see." She says walking towards her bag to get her glasses. She saw the movement he did but it was blurry to her without the help of either her contacts or glasses, making her think it's time she got Lasik surgery as having a blurry vision was such a hassle.

"Ah, are you blind? Aww." He says, sighing a relief, as her reaction was not because she abhorred him but because she can't see, so he sighed and did it again.

"I am not blind I just refuse to see." Turning her back on him, swallowing the giggles threatening to erupt. She didn't feel any kind of attraction towards him as they were only friends but she found his antics hilarious.

"You have to see it." Entering the room and fighting the blush creeping up his neck to his ear, then swallowing hard to do it again. Feeling his heart beating fast, which made him confused as he drank his medicine for his Arrhythmia.

"You are giving me a heart with a poker face?" Trying to stop her laughter as she can see through his eyes he was slightly embarrassed about the finger heart thing he was doing.

"Can you just pay attention to the number of hearts?" Rolling his eyes at her. "Be thankful I wasted my time doing that. If you want one with expressions, make me smile then."

Perplexed at what he said, not sure how to make him smile as she wasn't one who usually jokes around.

"Want me to sing... for you?" Panicking on the inside, which he also saw through her eyes, making him smile a bit. She decided to do a little aegyo instead but saw him smiling then hit his arm. Then turns him around and pushes him out of the room. "Yah! You're only teasing me, get out. I still need to change."

"I am only trying to match how you looked. Also, I am the owner of this house. You can't just push me out of the room. That's rude" He laughed when she pushed him out of the room. Naomi only rolled her eyes at him and closed the door on him. He then knocks on the door again. "I was supposed to say after you are done changing come down for dinner. Or you won't be left with any food."

She comes out a few minutes later, surprised to see Martell leaning by the wall outside of her room.

"Seriously, what took you so long? Trying to impress me, huh? Try fixing your hair first."

Rolling her eyes and walking ahead of him. "Who'd want to impress you?"

Dinner was served, despite having 1 half couples on the table. Half as Matteo and Savanna weren't or aren't officially together, but the two seemed to be sweeter than the other couples that the ants were starting to line up towards them, the other half would be Naomi and Martell who... were anything but sweet, coming down from the stairs bickering like children, then ignoring one another at the table and then not sure who was kicking the other put they had turns jumping from their chair. And the only Official happy couple that seemed to watch over these four like they were kids were Sean and Natalia.

"Aish! Eonnie, your brother keeps bullying me." Naomi says, rolling her eyes in annoyance while reaching for her dessert.

"Shawne? Really? Why would he?" Matteo then turns to look at his brother in a confused way, as he was silently enjoying his dessert. Natalia raised her eyebrow at her younger brother.

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