Chapter 2: Legally Blind

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"Never mind, I found her." He hangs up before his sister can say anything not entirely caring if she'll be pissed off after that. Giving a curt nod at the Woman in front of him "Naomi."

She nods as well trying to give a small smile at him "Martell, nice to see you again."

"Do you know how long I've been waiting here?" He says again, slightly irritated. Taking her luggage from her hand and walking off, leading the way to the parking lot. "Jie was even getting mad at me."

"It's not my fault if I can't read Chinese. Plus it's my first time traveling alone to China."

"Use your phone then! Does it have an automatic translation or something? Why didn't you try calling me?!" He exclaimed while unconsciously walking faster.

"My other phone died, plus it didn't come to me as I thought would have just burdened yo-"

"You should've waited for me then! If only you listen for once then you're never gonna get lost because you're with me!" Snapping at her as they walked. Him leading the way to the exit

Lowering her head, and mumbling a sorry. Fighting the urge to roll her eyes at him as he seems to be nagging at her and she dislikes people who nag at her. Fighting hard not to scream a rebuttal to him about how she can't wait for him at the airplane nor did he ever say anything to her on tips of 'how to not get lost'. Inhaling deeply to calm herself before getting distracted and falling a little back when a stuffed toy store caught her attention.

"You should have at least as-" His words were cut off when he turned to look at Naomi who was supposed to be behind him and see that she was nowhere to be seen again. Mumbling the words to himself ."Oh! See! She's disappeared again! Then she'll be lost... and I'll be the one scolded for losing her."

Turns around and walks the way they came trying to search for her only to find her near one of the stores, petting a chubby grey cat that was rubbing itself to her palm. Sighing at the sight of her petting the cat before shaking his head reminding himself they both need to be at the house before lunch. Then approaching her, afterwards patting her on the head.

"Come on babe, my car's waiting." He casually says until he notices the look that Naomi threw at him.

"Babe?" She looks at him with an eyebrow raised. Though their situation made them slightly grow further apart it didn't change that they were still friends two years back and she can't help but tease him with his words sometimes.

"I mean... whatever." His ears were slightly turning a shade of pink which Naomi failed to notice as she was preoccupied with the cat in front of her. "Just come on."

"Wait, wait... I want a cute stuffed toy though..." She says to him when he tried pulling her away from the cat.

Sighing at that he asks which stuff toy but when Naomi said she'd like to take the cat home instead.

"But that's Zhan Ge's cat."

"Zhan Ge? Sean Oppa? Eonnie Natalia's Fiance's cat?" Trying to make sure she wasn't confused about which Older brother he meant. "It's not his cat, I mean it's at the airport. I am sure he won't let his own cat go wandering around here."

"It looks the same, don't touch it. I'll just buy you a new cat." Making her stand up by holding her arm.

"Most cats are lonely though... I want to adopt this one..." Sadly looking down at the cat rubbing itself to her leg.

"What?! No! It's not clean!" Eyes the cat that was nuzzling itself to Naomi.

"Animals can become clean with love and care... The loneliest animals are those who don't have a home."

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