03 Memories♡

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MC and Oliver were at the door while MC was putting in her password for the door. She found her mom sitting on the couch. " You're back." was all she said. " Mom?!" Why are you still awake..." MC said a bit startled. Her mom looked down to see a orange cat by Mc's feet. Oliver meowed. " Is that a cat?" " I... I found it. Can I keep it?" MC asked. "... It's late. Bring it inside. Just remember that its your responsibility to take care of it." " Thanks mom! I will!" MC said with a smile on her face. 

MC got ready for bed and went under the covers with Oliver laying on top of the blanket. She turned of the lamp and went to sleep...

Time Skip Morning...

MC's phone alarm rang and she quickly turned it off. " It's morning!" MC said to wake Oliver up. "..." Oliver was just sound asleep. MC stroked him a few times to wake him up. " Get up! We have to clean the room or mom's gonna chase us both out.

Time Skip to the Bathroom...

Oliver was in a little bath tub with some water in it. MC put some soap in him and started scrubbing to get the dirt off of him.

After Oliver was done being clean, he was wrapped up in a towel and while MC blowed dried him a little his fur being flown back. He looked like a little orange mushroom!

In the window you could see Oliver in the window checking stuff out while you were putting your things in boxes. You put all your plant type stuff in the plant box like a lucky clover, a potted plant, and a sunflower painting. You then put your anime merch in the next box like pokemon ball, a straw hat, a leaf headband, Mob Psycho figurine, and patricks shorts(though I don't know why they put spongebob in there he isn't anime). The next box was for animal related stuff like cat toys, a duck, and Oliver who was quietly watching MC pack her stuff. Then the next box was for pinks things such as MC's pink headphones, her pink nintendo switch, but then she found a pink book that she couldn't quite reach. " What's that?" Oliver asked. MC tried getting the booking by jumping a little but you were too short. Thankfully, Oliver turned into his human and got the book for you. But he was kind of close to MC that his fingertips touched hers.

MC opened up the book to see a baby picture of herself. " Is that you when you were smaller?" " Yeah." It must of been a family photo album. " You were so little, how cute!" Oliver gushed. MC flipped over to the next page and saw a photo of her crying. " Why were you crying in this one?" Oliver asked. " I think it was my first day in kindergarten." MC answered. She turned the next page and there was a photo of MC with a certificate in hand along with some other kids. " What's this certificate?" " From an essay competition." " Wow! You're really talented!" Oliver complemented. " No... that's the old me. The me now is just..." " Just...?" " I don't know..." MC said sadly. There was an awkward silence before you turned to the next page. The page had a ripped photo of what was supposed to be MC, her mom, and her dad. " Why's a piece of this torn off?" " Mom did it. I think it's a family photo from a vacation one spring." " Oh, thats sad. It sounds like a precious memory." Oliver said feeling bad for MC. " I think this is the last we have of the whole family. Mom and dad never stopped fighting after that..." MC thought of what happened after her dad left. Dad would always yell and mom would end up crying. After getting her divorce, her mom ripped all the pictures that had MC's dad in it only leaving MC and her mom. MC then found a folded up piece of paper. She drew a picture when she was younger that had her, mom, and her dad altogether. " Did smaller you draw this?" " Yeah! I didn't know mom kept it." " She must think it's precious." " Then... why won't she let me pursue art?" " Maybe the two of you should talk about it." " ..." You don't what she's thinking either, right? If I had a mom , I'd want to tell her lots and lots of things." Oliver looked a little sad when he said that. " I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you sad." " Don't worry! It's all in the past for as long I can remember!" Oliver remembered when he was first taken into a shelter. He was in a glass box along with some other cats, but he was never taken in. Oliver found an open door and went outside. He stopped a few times to look at a few times but was interested in one. He saw a family celebrating their daughters birthday and he wished he had one too. " Did you run away?" " I saw everyone get adopted and really wanted a home too. " " You're so cute, I'd pick you for sure!" MC replied. Oliver blushed a little and so did MC when she realized what she said. " I- I meant the cat version of you." " Well, you've brought me home now. Does that make us family?" " I think so!" " What's a family?" Oliver asked curiously. " Family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten." MC explained. 

" Thank you. I wonder what it feels like to have a home. I'm kind of excited." " Having a home means getting to sleep under warm blankets and waking up to mom's special sweet and sour spare ribs! She does nag a lot though so watch out..." MC explained to Oliver. " Sweet and sour spare ribs..." Oliver wondered what it would taste like. " I guess you'd prefer cat food." " I'll eat anything, honestly. It's hard to find cat food as a stray so I eat whatever the others share with me." Oliver said. " They're all really strong and independent. It's just... not enough to help everyone survive winter." " That's so sad..." MC felt so bad for Oliver of what he had been through and wanted to help him. " Kittens tend to hide under cars for warmth during winter to help them survive, but it's dangerous." " Why's that?" " It gets dangerous when the owner suddenly starts the car." " ...So that's why mom always honks the horn before she starts the car. But, why don't you live as a human all the time then?" MC asked. " I don't turn into a human very often... Humans are very complicated. I don't know how to blend in..." Oliver said while adjusting himself in the window. " You won't know till you try, right?" Oliver looked at MC with curious eyes. " Do you think I'm complicated?" " Of course not! You're... you're great..." " Exactly! There are a lot of good people in this world. You should have no trouble experiencing what it's like to be one of us." MC reassured. " Alright! Let's help you live like a human! We'll start by going to school together!" she said excitedly. Oliver was a little confused. " School? No way! I never thought about going to school!" " Don't worry. I'll be there to help you." Oliver thought for a moment and said, " Hm... I'll think about it..." 

Time Skip...

MC's mom opens the door to see Oliver with a piece of paper  in his mouth. She takes it from him and recognizes it. " This is... the first birthday present MC gave me." she remembered that MC always loved to draw, but ever since the divorce things have changed. " MC has always been understanding child. She never gave me any reason to worry, and I got so caught up with work that I stopped thinking about how she's feeling." 

MC and her mom were sitting at the kitchen table with a few papers. MC looked through them and they were all to go to an art class. " I looked into some art classes you can attend if you want to take a look." " Oh." was all MC could say, but she was really happy that her mom did this. " I want you to do what you love." MC's mom said with a warm smile. 

MC's mom was in the kitchen washing the dishes until MC walked over and rested her head on her beloved mothers shoulders. " Mom... I really miss the sweet and sour spare ribs you used to make. I miss it a lot." " In that case, I'll make it just for you." " Not just me! There's also Oliver! Isn't that right Oliver?" " Meow!(wink)" 


Havign Sweet and Sour Spare ribs with mom and Oliver!

Would have put a picture here but couldn't find it, sorry!!- Author-chan

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