05 Exam♡

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The day of the exam finally came. MC was getting her school supplies ready and her ID for the bus. She also took her art stuff with her until she was already to go. MC sat with her mom at the table to have some breakfast while her mom tried to tell her not to be so stressed, even she was the one that was stressed for her daughter. " MC, don't be nervous." " 'Kay." " You must be more careful. Have you packed everything?" " I'm done packing." " I'll see won't see you off today then. Take care on your way there." MC's got her work things, said goodbye, and left for work. MC sat there alone at the table eating. There was only one boiled egg left but she full and called Oliver over who happily ate it. He had a bit of food on his face so MC wiped it. She chuckled to herself seeing how cute he looked. 

As MC was about to go in the school doors, she looked back at Oliver and waved. She then went to all her classes that she signed up for. The first one was painting, and as she sharpened her pencil and picked up her paint brush, MC painted a beautiful picture with two cats looking at the sky( which is you and Oliver btw). She then went to the room was the exam was being taken. MC was nervous but walked in confidently. MC aced the exam and as she walked out a big crowd was outside. As MC waded through the crowd to find her mom and Oliver, she saw them. Her mom had a smile that she had missed. MC's mom had a proud smile with happy eyes while holding Oliver who was also smiling. 

MC was for once proud of herself too, knowing that her future is going to be bright...

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