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when the bell for lunch rang, gabe waited by bills locker. a few minutes pass and his lanky counterpart hadnt showed. he checked his watch and scanned the hallways for long legs and tight low jeans but no sign of bill. gabe quickly starts to get worried and continues to scan the hallway until he finally sees a pair of long legs and long wavy brown hair walking towrds him. when bill gets closer, gabe realizes he had been... crying?

"bilvy what happened?! did someone say something to you?! did someone hurt you i swear to g-"

"no one hurt me." he looked at gabe with defeated eyes.

"what did they say, william?"

he loved when he used his full name, sounded so elegant coming from gabe. he usually loved the nicknames and such but hearing it from gabe was so much different than his parents or anyone else. the circumstances were unfortunate, though. 

"someone yelled that f slur thing at me again..."

"i swear to god. this is like 8th all over again its like no one can just grow up. im so sorry bill.."

"its okay, it just startled me and then when i finally realized what they had said i-"

"froze. i know. its okay. i knew i shouldve went to your class instead.. i wouldve beat the shit out of whoever that guy was."

"i dont want you getting in trouble for me, gabanti."

"i'd get in any kind of trouble for you. i just want you to be okay."

he smiled and engulfed the other boy in a much too tight hug and spun him around off his feet.

bill laughed as gabe set him down. 'what did i do to deserve that?' he thought to himself. 

the two walked to lunch together and waited in the now short line for a shitty school hot lunch. 

"this grilled cheese is ass, gabe." bill looked up from the soup he was poking at with his spoon, as he dropped the grilled cheese back on the styrofoam tray.

"dude this is so good i have no idea what youre talking about. i am fucking this shit up and i am not even ashamed oh my GOD."

"you will eat anything as long as you dont have to make it yourself, i swear." he smiled as he looked next to him at gabe quite literally eating most of the other half of his grilled cheese in one bite. 


"dont talk with your mouth full!"

gabe quickly opened his mouth to display the contents of his chewed food to william, before closing it and laughing as bill gagged and shoved his face away. 

"you. are. so. gross." he had to hold back another gag as gabe did the same thing again but with chocolate milk. 

both the boys laughed it off, and when the bell rang gabe walked bill to his next class and said he would pick him up from it too. no matter how many times william protested, he insisted. bill always gave in, he couldnt say no to gabe. he was finding it harder to every day..

we were part of something ours and ours alone ; gabilliamWhere stories live. Discover now