Chapter 2 - Lady

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A few days later I was starting to feel well again. I still had a fresh scar from where I split my head open but I didn't feel sore or nauseous anymore. Brienne had paid for my bed at the tavern for a week on the orders that I was not to be disturbed. Apart from her, only the little servant boy was allowed in to bring me food and drink. I later found out his name was Nate and that Brienne was paying him too.

She visited me every day and stayed for a little longer each time. I told her stories about my family and growing up at the forge. She listened so intently everytime like I was her mother reading her a bedtime story. She didn't tell me much about herself though, she seemed like a shy person so I didn't probe her too much.

On my last day at the tavern I was about to get changed when Nate came running in.
"Are you leaving today Miss Imogen?" he said.
"Yes I'm all better now so I'm going home. Thanks for looking after me Nate" I said.
"You're most welcome my lady!" he said proudly and bowed to me.

When he left I started to change into the new clothes that had been left for me by someone while I was asleep, it didn't take a scholar to figure out who it was. The outfit included a beige cotton shirt with a lace up collar, a leather waistcoat, brown leather pants and thick walking boots. I was never keen on wearing dresses, I always managed to get them dirty somehow.
As I was changing my shirt I got a fright when Brienne walked in without knocking.
"Oh Gods! I am so sorry!" she panicked, averting her eyes from my bare chest. I was covering myself with the shirt anyway but she didn't dare look in my direction and hurried out of the room. I felt a little flustered and giggled to myself.

A few minutes later I found Brienne downstairs sitting at a table on her own, her cheeks still red from the embarrassment of earlier. When she saw me she jumped out of her seat and stood to attention.
"I'm very sorry for walking in on you Imogen. I should have knocked first. I didn't see anything I swear-" she said, barely stopping for breath.
"At ease soldier! It's fine" I joked.
She cleared her throat and swiftly changed the subject.
"Are you feeling well enough to travel today?"
"Yes, it should take us about three days to get back to Berxley on horseback".
"I only have one horse I'm afraid. But you can ride her and I'll walk alongside".
"Are you sure? We can take it in turns?"
"I'll be fine. Your needs come first my lady".
I sniggered at the title.
"'My lady?' I've never been called that before!"
"You're a woman, are you not?"
"Well yes but-"
"Then as a knight I shall address you as 'my lady'".
"So am I your lady?" I said with a raised eyebrow.
Her stoic expression broke as her cheeks flushed red again.
I couldn't deny that I was attracted to her, she was very handsome and I often caught myself wondering what kind of body was hiding under that armour.
"We should head out soon, in weather turns. Meet me at the stables" she said, quickly standing up and leaving the tavern.
I looked out of the window, the sun was shining brightly and there wasn't a single cloud in the sky.
"Oh I'm gonna have fun with you Brienne" I thought.

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