Chapter 20 - Commotion

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Imogen's POV:

One month later...

The night Brienne left was the worst night of my life. I watched her gallop off into the night on Sable, wondering if I would ever see her again. In the time that followed I mourned for her like she was dead. Sansa would often visit me to offer comfort and a shoulder to cry on, we'd grown quite close and I considered her a true friend.

When I finally recovered I made my way back to Berxley via a well guarded Stark caravan. Upon my return I was greeted with open arms by Garrin and Jacob, we were all so relieved to find each other alive.
"Where's your lady knight?" Jacob asked, looking behind me.
"King's Landing. Turns out she's Lord Commander too" I said, a little resentfully.
"Woah! Really?! We didn't have to worry about you at all then!" he exclaimed.
"Well I've got a story to tell you both. But not here, let's go home" I said and we went back to our family home nestled behind the family forge.
I told them everything and they sat in silence listening. When I had finished Garrin just threw his arms around me.
"You're so brave Imogen. Just like your mother".


The following weeks seemed like eternities. I hardly thought about anything else but Brienne. Did she make it to King's Landing? What was she up to? Did she miss me too? Had she found someone else? Was she even alive?
I tried to occupy my mind by helping out at the forge more, Jacob taught me the basics and I had a little more success this time managing to forge a usable dagger for myself. I visited the tavern often and although a few pretty girls caught my eye my head and heart were occupied by someone else.
One night I was sitting alone in a corner when a figure approached me, "you really shouldn't be drinking alone you know". It was Garrin.
"Misery does love company" I said and kicked the free stool out for him to join me. He'd given up drinking when I left so now it felt like we had switched roles.
"Brienne meant a lot to you didn't she?" he said sympathetically.
"I love her Garrin. I miss her so much" I said sadly.
"I could tell you liked her from the moment I saw you together. You looked so proud to have her at your side. I knew you'd be safe with her" he said.
"She doesn't forgive herself for what happened. But I knew the Riders would catch up with us sooner or later. I just couldn't convince her that it wasn't her fault".
"The main thing is that this Garthax guy is dead now. You both made sure of that and lived to tell the tale. I'm sure she's probably thinking of you wherever she is. I'm sorry things didn't work out, I hope you meet again someday" he said and held my hands.
"Thanks Garrin" I said with a broken smile.
"Now come on. Let's get you home before you drain the bar dry".
"Ha! You're a fine one to talk!"
"I'll have you know I'm an upstanding citizen. Never touched a drop in my life!" he joked with a wink.


I awoke the next morning with a terrible headache, the bright sunlight outside causing me to pull the covers over my head. As I started to drift back to sleep I was startled by Jacob slamming the door open and bursting into my room.
"Imogen! Get up! Get up now!" he said excitedly, shaking me.
"Get lost Jacob! Can't you tell I'm hungover!" I moaned, not budging.
"Come on! Get up! You need to see this!" and he shook me again.
"OK! Fine! This had better be worth it or I swear I'll-" I mumbled.
I could hear a commotion outside and started to grow curious, I threw on a thick jacket and pants and followed Jacob as he ran down the stairs. He opened the door for me and a large crowd had gathered at the other end of the town.
"What's going on?" I said, confused.
"You'll see, come on!" Jacob beamed and dragged me towards the crowd who were cheering and applauding.
As I got closer I saw the ebony black mane of a large horse and several hands petting it. Before I could comprehend the familiar sight, a tall figure emerged from the crowd dressed from head to toe in gold and black armour. The person removed their helmet and my heart nearly burst from my chest when I saw Brienne's face, her loving blue eyes filling with tears of joy as they met mine. Without thinking I ran and jumped into her arms, she caught me and squeezed the air out of my lungs in a huge hug. She giggled as I smothered her with as many kisses as I could give. My lady knight had returned to me!
"I didn't think I'd ever see you again!" I said, overwhelmed with joy.
"I'll always come back to you Imogen. I've missed you so much" she said through happy tears.
"I've missed you too. Please don't leave me like that ever again. I want to be with you forever".
"I won't. It's just you and me now. Wherever we go, we go together".
My legs were still wrapped around her waist and my arms were draped over her shoulders. We couldn't hold back any longer, our lips met in a kiss unlike any other. Familiar but with a renewed excitement of being back in each other's arms again.
"I love you Brienne, more than you'll ever know".
"I love you too, Imogen. You are and always will be my lady".

Hi reader! Thanks for taking the time to read my story. I hope you enjoyed it! I really do appreciate any votes and comments 💙 This story is also available on AO3 if you'd like to support it there too.

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