Chapter 3 - Onward

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Brienne's horse was tall like her and black as night. Given my smaller stature I found it difficult to climb up onto the saddle.
"Aren't you going to help your lady?" I said to Brienne, hoping that she would boost me up with her strong hands. I was disappointed when she walked away and came back with a wooden box for me to stand on.
"Thanks" I said, trying to sound grateful.
Eventually I got on and Brienne looked up at me like a proud mother.
"Onward then" she said and began to lead the horse out of the town.

"So does the horse have a name?" I asked.
"No, she's just my horse" she replied as if I'd asked her the most ridiculous question in the world.
"Can I name her?"
"Fine. If it pleases you" she said grumpily.
"Let's about Sally?"
"Ooo I know! Midnight!"
"Are you just going to say no every time?"
" about Sable?"
She paused and looked at the horse.
"I quite like that actually. Sable it is".
She patted the horse's neck and Sable shook her mane.
"I think she likes it too" I said proudly.

A couple of hours into our journey the sun was still beaming down from the sky and the heat was almost unbearable.
"Aren't you hot in all that armour?" I asked.
"No, I'm used to it now".
She really was too, there wasn't one bead of sweat on her.
"There's a lake up ahead, we'll stop off and get you some more water" she said as I glugged the last bit from my flask.
As soon as I saw the crystal blue lake I practically jumped off Sable and ran towards it. I knelt down and scooped up handfuls of cool liquid splashing it over my face.
"I'm surprised you didn't just dive in" Brienne said as she filled up our flasks.
"It's very tempting. But you've already seen me topless today" I said cheekily and the first bead of sweat ran down her forehead.
"W-we should keep going" she stuttered and went back over to Sable.
She obviously wasn't used to people flirting with her but I quite enjoyed making her flustered. I didn't want to annoy her though so I decided to ease up. For now.


"We should make camp here for the night" Brienne said when we reached a clearing. The sun was starting to set and filled the sky with a red and orange glow.
"Good idea. Want me to get some firewood?" I asked.
"Yes, I'll have a look for some food" she said and we split up.
I came back a while later carrying several large sticks while Brienne sat on a nearby log skinning a rabbit. I tried not to look as she flayed the poor creature but I couldn't help notice how gentle she was with it. Even when she ripped the skin from its flesh she didn't make it look like a savage act, more like an intricate process.

As night fell we tucked into the rabbit Brienne had cooked for us and sat talking beside the flames.
"So where about are you from?" I asked.
"Tarth. My title is Ser Brienne of Tarth".
"I'm not familiar with it. What's it like there?"
"It's known as the Sapphire Isle because of the water surrounding it. It's a beautiful place with tall mountains, lush green meadows, waterfalls and shadowed vales".
Her expression softened as her mind travelled back there.
"It sounds amazing. Do you miss it?"
Her smile quickly faded.
"I miss the scenery but not the people" she said bitterly, "do you miss Berxley?"
"Sometimes. I miss my brother and my uncle but I've always had an urge to see the world and not be a slave to the family business. Jacob is happy to carry it on but I wanted more".
"What did you want to do?"
"I don't know really. But I know there's more to life than just blacksmithing".
She smiled, "I admire your ambition Imogen".
As she stared into the fire I couldn't take my eyes off her. I'd never met a woman like her before, she was strong and heroic yet so gentle and kind. I was in awe but I felt something else too that I couldn't make sense of.
"That day I found you...can you remember what happened exactly?" she asked.
"A blonde blue eyed hero rescued me" I said lightly.
She sighed, "before that".
I hesitated and debated whether to tell her the truth. I trusted her with my life but I didn't want to put hers in danger too, so I lied.
"It was nothing really. I pissed off some bandits and they chased me. I managed to outrun them but I tripped over and hit my head on a rock".
"What did you do?"
"Just stole some of their food".
"I see" but I could tell she didn't believe me.

"You should get some rest" Brienne said later on, throwing another stick on the fire.
"OK I'll go over here" and I walked over to the log she had previously sat on and curled up into a ball in front of it.
"Sleep by my-" she corrected herself, "by Sable. She'll keep you warm".
"I'd rather you keep me warm" I thought.
I did as she said and curled up next to an already sleeping Sable. Brienne remained seated at the campfire with her back to me.
"Good night Ser Brienne of Tarth" I said.
"Good night my lady" she replied and I could hear a smile in her voice. 

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