Chapter 6 - Truths

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"HOW THE HELL COULD YOU BE SO STUPID?! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA THE DANGER YOU'VE PUT US ALL IN?!" Garrin yelled after I told him and Jacob about killing Arkin.
"I'm not sorry Garrin! Arkin deserved to die after what he did to us!" I argued back.
"I know, believe me I've thought about tracking him down and murdering him so many times but I knew what the consequences would be if I did!"
"I couldn't just sit back and let him think he got away with it! He robbed us of our parents all because of a stupid family rivalry!"
Garrin and Jacob exchanged a look, one that told me they were hiding something.
"What? What are you not telling me?" I questioned them and a feeling of dread began to build inside me.
Garrin sighed, "I suppose you're old enough to know now. I lied to you Imogen. There was never a family rivalry. The truth is...your parents were indebted to a Red Priest.
When you were born you were...dead. Your mother had you too early and your body was too weak to survive. She was heartbroken and your father was desperate so he enlisted the help of a Red Priest who'd just so happened to walk into Berxley that very day. Don't ask me how but he brought you back to life and made you healthy. But he wanted something in return..." Garrin looked over at Jacob who hung his head.
"They wanted me" Jacob said, "to save one life he had to sacrifice another according to his Lord of Light. Something about balance. When father refused the Priest sent Arkin and his mercenaries after us, the night father had planned to run away with us all".
I slumped into a nearby chair, "why didn't you tell me this before?" I managed to say.
"I only found out myself a few years ago" Jacob said.
"I wanted to find the right time..." Garrin said apologetically.
"The right time?! Garrin I murdered a man in bed because of what you told me!" I shouted angrily.
"How was I to know you were going to run off and kill him?!"
I sat there frozen and speechless trying to process this new information. My whole life I believed Arkin was the one to blame for my parents' deaths, but it was this Red Priest all along! Even worse, it was all because of me.
"So they could still come for us?" I asked.
"As far as they were concerned your mother and father paid the debt with their own lives, but now..." Garrin trailed off.
Suddenly the room became stiflingly hot, "I need some air". I stormed outside and wandered off into the nearby woodland. I was struggling to breathe through my tears as so many thoughts whirled around in my head. Eventually I sat at the foot of a tree and sobbed, my arms around my legs and my head on my knees.

I lifted my head and saw Brienne standing over me.
"What have I done?" I said and continued to sob. I didn't want her, of all people, to see me like this but I couldn't control the vast amount of emotions I was feeling right now.
Brienne sat down next to me and began to tell a story, "I knew a young girl once who went to extraordinary lengths to avenge the deaths of her parents and her brothers. She trained as an assassin, changed her identity a few times, infiltrated places of power, even had a kill list. She was brave, cunning and smart. You remind me of her".
"Did she get what she wanted?" I asked.
"In a manner of speaking, some of the people on her list she killed herself and others died at the hands of someone else. But justice and revenge are two very different things".
"I thought I was being brave and doing the right thing but I've just made everything so much worse. It's all my fault. They should have just let me die" I said.
"Don't you dare say that!" Brienne said, suddenly kneeling in front of me, "your parents wanted you to live! Both you and Jacob!"
"But I'm the reason they're dead!" I cried.
"You were an innocent child!"
"But I...I..."
"You made a mistake but you didn't know the whole truth. You can't blame yourself".
Her words were reassuring but I was still unconvinced.
My head fell back against the tree and I tried to figure out my next move, "what the hell do I do now?"
Brienne thought for a second, "I have an idea, come with me".

She took me back to the house, Garrin and Jacob were in deep discussion when we entered.
"You ok scamper?" Garrin said tentatively.
I swallowed my tears and nodded then Brienne stepped forward.
"I realise this must be hard on all of you but I would like to offer a solution" she said firmly, "I would request that Imogen accompany me on my travels as my squire. I will train her and keep her safe until this business with the Red Riders has passed. I assure you she will come to no harm under my protection as a Knight of the Kings Guard".
Jacob and Garrin stood open mouthed at Brienne's offer, as did I.
"That's very generous of you Ser Brienne" Garrin said then looked at me, "Imogen what do you think?"
"I-I don't know...I don't want to leave you. Not like this".
"You've always wanted to know what the world was like beyond Berxley, this could be your chance" Garrin said.
"But what about you? They'll come after you but it's me they want!" I exclaimed.
"I can send word to the King to station several guardsmen here" Brienne chipped in.
I turned to her, "you'd do that? For us?"
"Yes my lady" she said with that reaffirming affectionate smile.
"Go" Jacob said, putting a large hand on my shoulder.
It was going to break my heart to leave them but it seemed like it was the right thing to do. I got them both into a group hug and we held each other tightly.
"I'll be back I promise" I whispered.

A little later I headed back to the house to gather my things and change my clothes. Brienne told me to pack plenty of supplies and weapons while she went to the stables to get a horse for me. I made sure to pack my throwing knives, even though they were a little blunt they had seen off many practice dummies. When I was ready I took one last look around our humble home because who knew when I would be back, if ever.

I was surprised to see both Jacob and Garrin hard at work at the forge, sweat and concentration on their faces.
"No no no! Not yet!" Jacob shouted when he saw me approach, "go find Brienne or something! We're not finished! Shoo!"
"OK OK! Jeez!" I said confused and headed towards the stables.
I saw Brienne talking to a stablehand, she handed him a small bag of coins and he gave her the reins of a horse.
"Just in time" she said when she saw me. The horse she was with was smaller than Sable and light brown with white patches on its sides.
"She's a beauty" I said, looking into the horse's brown orbs.
"She's all yours. I don't think you'll need my help getting on her" she joked. I nearly responded with another flirty comment but this wasn't the time, I had too many other things on my mind.
"Thank you for this Brienne. For everything" I said sincerely, "you've done so much for me and you barely know me".
"I know enough" she said but her expression changed when she saw the worry in my eyes, "I'll make sure your family is safe, you have my word".
And her word meant everything to me.


"Before you go there's something we want to give you" Garrin said when we were back at the forge. He handed me a leather wrap and as I unfolded it I saw two shining steel daggers with black and green leather grips.
"Fresh from the forge!" Jacob said with pride.
The daggers were lightweight but very sharp and my hands fitted around the grips with ease. "These are amazing!" I said cutting through the air.
"We made one each. So we'll always be there with you when you use them" Garrin said, his voice shaking slightly.
"Come here you big softie!" and I threw my arms around my uncle as he tried to conceal his tears.
Later on it was time for us to leave. We said our final goodbyes and I climbed onto my horse with much more grace and ease.
"Be careful out there scamper" Garrin said then went to speak to Brienne.
"Try not to worry sis. Go and have an epic adventure with your lady knight. You two have quite the bond" Jacob said that last part quietly.
"What do you mean?" I asked curiously.
"You know what I mean" and he winked.
"Ready?" Brienne said to me and I nodded.
"I love you both. I will come back I promise" I said to them before riding off into the trees with my lady knight.

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