Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

“Jamie!” the boy turned around only to be pummeled over by a girl.

“Hey,” he managed to say as Amy crushed him into a hug.

“Oh, I am so glad you are back! So how was China?” Amy let go and stepped back. Jamie smiled and his face turned a little red.

“Great.” He said and bobbed his head.

“Guess what, you know what tonight is?” Amy's eye lit up with excitement.

“Uh...” Amy gasped. “Haha, just kidding. I know. The night where we all--” Amy clamped a hand over his mouth and jerked a thumb over to the kitchen where her mother was preparing dinner. Jamie smiled sheepishly and bent over to pick up his bags, but they weren't there. He turned to see Amy with both bags over her shoulder.

“You know, I can carry them.”

“Yes, but you are my guest. Come on. Suze should be here soon.” Amy grinned and headed up the stairs. Jamie looked at his friend. She had changed a lot while he was gone. Her hair had grown long and glossy. She wore the t-shirt of her favorite band with a pair of shorts. Gone was the pink and frills. She seemed to much more confident, her head was help high and just everything about radiated confidence. The way she flipped her hair, and way she talked. He shook his head and went to follow Amy. When he got to her room he looked around in awe. He forgot how big it was. The ceiling arched and slanted int crazy angles and the door to the balcony was open as the breeze lightly blew the curtains. Her room was no longer pink with dolls and lace. It was a light blue and green, that reminded him of the ocean. Amy turned around and smiled.

“So, you like?” Amy swung her arms around.

“Wow.” Amy laughed.

“Yah, the pink is gone. I guess it went when I decided I had enough of being pathetic.”

“You were never pathetic. You were always my best friend!” Jamie dived for Amy and tackled her to the ground. “Say it, say I am not pathetic. I am super amazing the best friend ever.” Amy shrieked tried to wriggle from his hold.

“I refuse to give into you, you foul recreant! I shall notify the queen of the lands and she shall see you thrown into prison!” Amy cried out dramatically. “And speaking of the queen, she should be here already.” Jamie let her go and sat against her bed.

“How was China?” Amy sat next to him.

“Okay, interesting. I had fun.”

“You didn't like it there?” Amy asked, concern entering her voice.

“I liked it well enough, but I miss home, miss you guys, miss everything about here.”

“Are your parents deciding to keep doing mission work. Will you have to leave again.” A flash of fear crossed her face.

“No worries.” Jamie smiled. “If they do leave again, I won't be going with them. They can be missionaries, but that doesn't make me one.” Amy smiled with relief and leaned her head against his shoulder.

“Tonight's our anniversary. I can't believe its been six years. We're already thirteen.” Amy said softly.

“What are we going to do to celebrate?”

“It's Suze's turn to choose what we do. Yah. Already our friendship anniversary. I can't wait 'till she gets here!”


Ring, ring.

Ring, ring.

Amy's mom went to the phone.



“Really? Oh my gosh. That's so funny!” Amy laughed as they walked down the stairs.

“Yah. It was great! You should have seen--” Jamie looked up and froze. Amy was already running.

“Mom! Mom, what's the matter? Are you hurt?”

Amy's mother wiper her eyes and let out a breath. She looked sadly at the her daughter and Jamie.

“I got a call from the hospital. It's Suze--” She broke into sobs.

“Mom” Panick entered her voice. “Mom, tell me. Please.”

“It was car accident.” her mom managed. “The force of the impact his the passenger seat. Suze, Suze is dead.”

*This is my first official upload. I am sure it has errors and all that fun stuff. Please comment and vote! <3

*And the video is Slipped Away by Avril Lavigne :)

*Luv ya all!

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