Chapter 4

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Dear Suze,

How is it possible that the summer is beautiful? How does the world just move on without its sunshine? How do I move on?


Jamie blew out a long breath and stretched out in his bed. He shook his head as he recollected the previous night's events. The phone rang around seven.


“Tracy? Tracy, its me, Donna.”

“Hey Donna, is everything alright?”

“I can't find Amy.”

Jamie was upstairs at the time and decided to pick up the other phone to listen in on the conversation between his mother and Amy's mother. It took Jamie only a minute to run downstairs and pull on his shoes. His mother was still talking on the phone. He signaled frantically to his mom to get in the car but she waved him off. She continued to talk and console Mrs. Kevins. Jamie practically turned red in fury. His mother glared at him and turned away and continued to talk to Mrs. Kevins. An idea popped into his head. Amy's house was only a mile away. Sure it would be a bit of a ride, but his mom could always catch up with him. He dashed out of the house and grabbed his bike. He started down the street. When he was a block away from Amy's house a car pulled up next to him. He ignored it and kept pedaling. The car kept up with him and the window rolled down.

“Jamie!” Jamie ignored stared straight ahead and pedaled faster until he reached Amy's house. The car stopped behind him and his mother got out.

“Jamie, they found Amy.” His mother stood behind with her hands on her hips.


“Come on Jamie. Get your bike in the car. Right after you left Mrs. Kevins handed the phone to her husband and Amy came from the woods. Come on!” She said after Jamie didn't move. “You can visit her tomorrow.” Mutely Jamie pulled down the seats in the car and put his bike in. The car pulled out of the driveway and back down the street.

“Jamie! Breakfast!” Mrs. Smith called from downstairs, breaking into the quiet of his room.

“Coming mom.” Jamie groaned and dragged himself out of bed. He took a quick shower and pulled on jeans and shirt. His mother was in the kitchen pulling muffins out of the oven. She smiled kindly and plopped one onto his plate. He sat down without a word and started to eat the muffin.

“You're heading over to Amy's house later, right?” his mother said.

“Mhmm.” Jamie nodded and continued to eat. His mother gave up on conversation and turned on the radio. Jamie hurriedly finished eating and grabbed jammed his ear buds into his ear and slung his backpack over his shoulder.

“I'm going to bike over.” Jamie called out to his mother as he ran out the door. He turned up the volume loud so he couldn't hear the radio in the kitchen.

It was Suze's favorite song.

Amy lay back on her bed and listened to the radio. Her mother had made her clean her room because Jamie was coming over soon. She closed her eyes and sung softly along with the music.

Oh these times are hard

Yeah they're making us crazy

Don't give up on me baby

The song dyed out and the D.J. Started to babble on about an upcoming concert.

Just a small town girl, livin' in a lonely world

She took the midnight train goin' anywhere

Just a city boy, born and raised in South Detroit

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