Chapter 5

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This chapter is dedicated to the ever amazing WiLDCaRD!!! For being the most supportive fan for this little story :D

Dear Suze,

It seems the sun shines again. Yesterday I resolved to move on. If Jamie can move on, so can I. I cannot believe that I have been such a bother to everyone. I can't mope forever, and I know you would want me to pick myself up. You were always the stronger and more passionate of us. You would always have a song for any moment. I'm playing the perfect song right now I think. You Won't Ever Feel A Thing by The Script. I know you would have picked yourself up, and I will to. I still break down, but I promise to try my best to get up and keep going.

With Love,


Amy folded up the letter and placed with the others. She sighed and leaned back against the bed. She closed her eyes and gently rubbed her temples. It had been a long day. Her mother had seen that her mood has improved so she decided to take her daughter shopping. They went through the mall and then all of the other stores her mother could think of. Amy groaned and rubbed her feet. They were sore from her excursion. She looked up at the multiple shopping bags in her room and smiled. It was well worth the pain. Amy stretched and suddenly a grin split her face. She remembered that she had got Jamie a special present. She crawled over and pulled the large package over. She took out a card and started to write.

Dear Jamie,

This is a gift from Suze and I. We had planned to get this for you a couple months ago and I didn't intend to change that. We hope you like will like it.


Amy and Suze

Amy smiled and taped the card to the package. It was Jamie's birthday tomorrow. Several months before when Amy was in the mall with Suze they spotted the perfect present for Jamie. A beautiful guitar. They started to save up for it and they put what they earned toward the gift in a special piggy bank under Amy's bed. Finally Amy got enough to purchase it, and just in time. She couldn't wait for the tomorrow. The expression on his face would be priceless.

Amy picked up her phone and dialed Jamie's number. As she waited for him to pick she gazed outside. It was a dreary day. It had been raining on and off all day and the dark clouds hung over ominously. It was wet and chilly, but was a nice break from the scorching weather they had been having.

“Hello?” Jamie answered.

“Hey! Guess what!”


“I got something for you!” Amy was bursting from excitement.

“You didn't have to! I never got anything for your birthday!”

“But I wanted to! Jamie, you know how I love to give gifts!”

“So, are you going to tell me what it is?” Jamie asked, his curiosity piqued.

“Haha, no.”

“Aw, come on!”

“Your just going to have to wait. See you tomorrow!” Amy practically squealed.

“Ok, bye.”

“Bye!” Amy closed her phone.

Amy hadn't felt so happy in a long time.

“Amy!” Her mother called from downstairs. “Come down so we can watch the movie!”

“Okay, be right down!” Amy shouted back. She carefully put the guitar down and rushed downstairs. Amy's mother was so happy. Her daughter was the happiest in weeks. She couldn't help but laugh and smile foolishly when she saw her daughter laugh and talk excitedly. She didn't pay attention to the movie at all. Her eyes were on her daughter. Life was perfect.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2011 ⏰

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