Chapter 2

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So, here's the second chapter. It probably has mistakes and all that so please comment so I can edit it and please comment in general. :) Thanks for reading!!!

Dear Suze,

Why does it hurt so much?

Love, Amy

Amy finished writing and folded the letter up. She was still dressed in black from the funeral. She thought back to earlier that afternoon. As they put Suze into the ground tears sprang unbidden from her eyes. She sobbed silently. Her parents were crying too and didn't notice her. Jamie saw her and put his arm around her. When she looked up into his face she saw tears silently flowing from his eyes. In all the years of knowing Jamie, she had never seen him cry. When he fell from the swing or tripped, he only cried out, but never did he shed a tear. Jamie noticed her looking at him and he smiled slightly and raised his brow questioningly. 'I have never seen you cry.' she mumbled, slightly embarrassed. 'One thing I learned in China, is that crying is not a weakness.' Jamie replied. He looked at her with his steady grey eyes. He leaned over and have her a hug. He let go and walked away. Amy watched as everyone disbanded from the site. The only person that was left was Father Thomas. He was Suze's uncle and had presided over the ceremony. He walked over to Amy and put a hand on her shoulder and knelt down so that was at eye level with her. 'Amy, do not despair. The Lord will take care of her.' she had looked at him despairingly and he continued. 'You can write to her. As an angel, she can come and read them. Just remember child that she is in bliss. Be happy for her, even though you are angry that she is gone.' He then stood up and smiled sadly at her. He walked away, his tall figure wending its way among the gravestones.

When she got home she went up to her room and wrote. It made her feel better to write to Suze. She went to put she letter away and she saw a picture from her last birthday. She remembered it like it was yesterday. Early in the morning Jamie and Suze came to her house and snuck into her room and woke her up. Her mom then came in to take a picture of her with her bed head, Suze's arms around her and Jamie's arms around them both. The sight of hit made her cry. She managed to walk to her bed as sobs wracked her body. She cried until there were no more tears. She lifted up her face to look out her window. The moon was out and it shown brightly on her. Suze loved the moon. She'd always answer the same thing when someone asked her. 'Something about makes me feel real.' Staring into the moon Amy fell asleep.

“Ames. Hey, Amy.” A voice called softly. Amy groaned and turned over. She felt someone poke her on her cheek. She hated it, and only one person knew that she did.

“Jamie!” she said, but it came out more like a groan.

“Hey sleeping beauty. Your mom left pancakes for us.” Amy opened her eyes only to look right into Jamie's grey eyes. He smiled at her, but there was a sadness that seemed to coat every thing he did. Amy got out of bed and mutely followed Jamie downstairs. He sat her down in a chair and helped her fix a plate of pancakes. He looked at her worriedly. She saw him looking at her and she managed a weak smile. Just then Amy's mother walked in. She saw the two of them and looked at Jamie admirably as he helped her with breakfast. What a fine young man. Amy is so lucky to have him as her friend. She thought. Instead of interrupting them she merely placed the groceries on the counter and went out into the garden. If anything could calm her down, it was working methodically between her flowerbeds.

After breakfast Jamie led Amy upstairs. He marveled at her child-like behavior. He had to be the strong one now. He was devastated but Amy took it so much harder. When Amy's mom had called her that morning she had asked him to come over. It had be several days since the funeral but Amy refused to get out of bed. She pleaded for him to come over and try to help her. He wanted to shout and tell her that he was feeling horrible too but he managed to keep his temper and and came over. When he saw Amy, he regretted his earlier thoughts.

“Jamie, what did you see in China that made you understand that it was okay to cry?” Amy asked as she sat next to him. She was dressed in Suze's favorite shirt and a pair of shorts. The nail polish on her fingers and toes was worn but she had not bothered to remove it. Jamie looked out the balcony.

“You know we weren't in the rich part of China. We were in the west, where there were small poor villages all around the small city we were staying at. I saw mother's abandon children, I saw father's beat their wives.” he started to choke up. “I watched as children died in my arms, and I couldn't do anything to help them.” he stared ahead for several moments before speaking again. “I became so depressed. But then I saw a boy recover from sickness that everyone thought would have killed him. I saw a mother give birth to a girl and it was beautiful. I cried, but it was alright. The only people who don't cry are the merciless.” He took his arm and crushed Amy to his side. He leaned his head closer to her. “It's okay to cry Amy. It shows that you love Suze, but just remember that you have to move on.” Amy looked up at him and smiled through her tears. She threw her arms around him and hugged him close.

“Promise me something.”

“Anything.” Jamie replied as he patted her back.

“Promise me that you'll never leave me.”

“I promise”

Sooo... What do you think? Comment, vote, I love feedback so leave plenty of it please!!! :)

*The video is Bruno Mars' song Count on Me

Dear SuzeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz