Chapter 3

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Finally.... here it is! Sorry for the long wait, I feel terrible from not uploading sooner but school's been finishing up so I've ben wuite busy. So commment, vote, like ect! Love you all!!!!

-And and and this is dedicated to Louise- coz she was mah first fan :) so i truly appreciate it, like a lot :)

Dear Suze,

The sky is burning. You would love it, you would love the warmth, the flowers, everything.



Amy folded up the letter and put it with her other in a box under her bed. She sighed and climbed up onto her bed. She lay on her side and watched the sun go down outside. There was a vase on her bureau and it was a bunch of black-eyed susans. Amy shifted her gaze to the flowers, she stared at them for a hard moment then a small tear trickled down her cheek. They were Suze's favorite, hence her name. She loved everything warm and bright. She always wore yellow, red, orange and pink, anything vibrant. It was a beautiful contrast against her ebony hair and dark skin. She was the life of the party, the class clown and sweetheart.

Everyone loved her.

Not one of them came to her funeral.

Amy sat up and angrily scrubbed the tears from her eyes. She grabbed the flowers from the vase and marched over to her bookshelf. There was a huge tomb, a complete collection of The Lord of the Rings. It was Suze's favorite books for some reason. Her parents had given most of Suze's things to either her of Jamie.

Amy and Jamie were called over to Suze's house. They were shocked that her parents were cleaning out her her stuff.

“We don't have any use for this. All this will bring to us is memories, memories that are not wanted right now. We're moving, near my parents. I know you guys will find some of her things useful.” Her mother had given them a small, sad smile and proceeded to start taking things down. Suze's father beckoned them after him and they continued to pack things away. At the end of the day the room was barren. It felt enormous and empty. All of Suze's things were packed into Amy and Jamie's parents cars. Amy and Jamie hugged Suze's parents goodbye with a few tears. Jamie was already in his mom's car and down the driveway when Suze's mother grabbed her arm.

“Amy, Amy, please wait a moment.” Amy waited outside the door as the women ran in to grab something from the house. She came out with her hands behind her back, holding something. She came to Amy and pulled the object from her behind her back. It was Suze's favorite book. The Lord of the Rings. Amy was never a reader, and especially anything that was a fantasy. She only read realistic fiction or non-fiction. Amy accepted the book and looked quizzically at her. She smiled slightly, bent down and spoke softly.

“I think would have wanted you to have it.” That was all she said, and she turned around and walked into the house. Amy stood there for a couple moments until her mother honked the horn.

“Amy dear, come on!” Amy turned around and walked to the car and was silent the rest of the way home. She took the boxes up to her room and started putting things up. Posters covered her wall, jewelry and nail polish littered her bureau. Finally everything was put into place and she turned to her bed. There lay the book. Amy picked up and examined it. She shrugged and shoved it carelessly into her bookshelf.

Now Amy picked it up and opened it to a random page. She shoved the flowers in the book and shut it. Angrily she shoved the book into the back of the shelf. She brushed the hair from her face and went downstairs. She couldn't stand being with so many memories of Suze right then.

“Honey, are you alright?” her mom asked but she walked right past her and out the door. Her mother watched sadly from the kitchen window as her daughter walked off in the setting sun.

Amy walked to the backyard and into the woods. She followed a worn path up back until she came near a stream. There she jumped across and continued on a game trail. It meandered up a cliff and down and around. Finally the trail split into two and Amy took the path leading up another cliff. When she reached the top she found the tree house that she had built with Suze and Jamie. She climbed up the ladder and into the fort. Dust motes swirled lazily in the dying sunlight. She looked out the window and out over the cliff. The sun burned lower and lower until finally it was gone, lost under the horizon. It was starting to get quite dark and the first stars peeped tentatively in the black blanket of the early summer sky. Amy got up from her seat near the window and gave on last look around the tree house. She sniffed and headed home. The lights at her house were one and there were flashlights slashing through the night air. Voices also broke the spell of the summer night. Amy walked quicker until she reached her mother's arms. Her mother engulfed her in her arms and murmured threats and comfort into her ears. She led her daughter inside and looked one more time out into the stillness. Then she shut the door and all was peaceful.

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