"Veil of Thorns"

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In the midst of the darkened roses, a girl ventured forth, her body adorned with scars from battles unknown. Undeterred, she continued her path until she reached the heart of that eerie realm.

There, a solitary grave stood before her. With an air of melancholic assurance, she perched atop the tombstone, a wistful smile gracing her lips. The moonlight filtered through the twisted branches above, casting an ethereal glow upon her face.

With a dark smile upon her face, she said, "Revenge has blinded me, my brother."

"Veil of Thorns"

The girl stepped onto her balcony, surrounded by nothing but glass, suspended high above the ground. With a majestic pen in hand, she began to inscribe her story with a hint of ferocity,

"The tale of siblings, two outsiders amidst ordinary beings. Both brothers, captivated by a girl from their school, yet oblivious to the other's infatuation.

That girl, as silent as the grave and as serene as the ocean, held the key to their hearts. Little did they know their desires converged on a single target.

One fateful day, daring to escape the mundane, the brothers embarked on an ocean ride, seeking adventure. But the gods of fate had darker plans, as the storm unleashed its wrath upon their lives.

Enveloped in its tempestuous fury, the brothers found themselves torn apart, adrift in different corners of the treacherous ocean. The relentless storm separated them, altering their lives forever and that storm name is "Draconian"

As the girl's pen danced across the pages, she etched a story of love, loss, and untamed forces.

"Losers are those who attempt to pen their future but, entangled in the present, they lose their way."

"Family rituals"


Brain of-"yuno-d"


"Ring ring ring ring."

The clock chimed, signaling the end of a school day and the beginning of a night full of possibilities. Draconian, a student with a mysterious allure, found herself engrossed in the creation of her novel.

As she wrote, one teacher's curiosity was piqued, and with a smile, she inquired, "Ah, so you're working hard on your story?"

Draconian corrected with conviction, "Novel, not story."

The teacher playfully retorted, "What's the difference between them, silly?"

With a glint of determination in her eyes, Draconian explained, "A story is one that kids love to hear while drifting off to sleep. But this is my novel, a tale that even adults fear to behold."

Teacher, "Whatever, yesterday while you were outside, I checked your novel. It was nice. Can you tell me what's gonna happen after that? After those two brothers go in different ways?"

Draconian, "After that, the ocean will swallow both of them. And then, the storm and the ocean become unexpected friends for the first time. The storm connects with the ocean, and that lucky ocean name is 'Heroin'."

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