"The Girl Once I Was"

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"How can I Laugh...?"

"Draconian and Veil emerged from the psychiatric hospital because they witnessed Antrum's escape. They ventured into the jungle and found a quiet spot. Without hesitation, Draconian bit into Veil, and a vision unfolded before her.

In this vision, she saw veil as the one who confronted Draconian and then headed toward Yearn and Anna. She realized that veil had been the one responsible for puncturing Draconian's car tire."

Draconian awakened from her dream and found Veil by her side. She questioned, "Why did you interfere in my affairs, even with the murder of the principal?"

Veil responded, "I had my own motives. Reasons can turn your life from white to red."

Draconian expressed, "Now they're accusing me of killing the principal."

Veil offered an apology, saying, "I'm sorry, but we need to unravel this. Let's closely examine the details."

"The details become unclear when we attempt to zoom in."

Veil said,"Well, if you're afraid of a little scrutiny, maybe you shouldn't have gotten into this mess in the first place."

Draconian replied in a cold and measured tone, "I'm not afraid of scrutiny. I just prefer to see the bigger picture rather than fixating on details that may lead us nowhere."

Draconian inquired, "What do you want in your life?"

Veil replied with determination, "I want to make my mother happy, and I aim to share that happiness with the world."

"Be mindful not to share everything and end up with nothing. Everything has its limits, even your happiness."

Veil responded calmly, "Happiness is the one thing that never diminishes when shared."

Draconian spoke with sincerity, "So, you found happiness living among those your mother wanted to seek revenge against."

"Living with our enemies helps us understand their vulnerabilities. So, why do you live with your stepmother, the one you despise the most? In the end, you're residing in her own home."

Draconian's voice took on a darker tone, "She took my home away from me."

Veil remarked, "Now, you don't even have a place to call your own to shed tears."

As Veil uttered those words, a heavy silence hung in the air, stifling even Draconian.

Draconian, now filled with anger, exclaimed, "We should build our own home; don't waste time searching for it."

Veil was about to respond when Draconian interrupted, asserting, "And crying won't solve anything."

Veil calmly stated, "Sometimes crying serves as the remedy."

Draconian, in frustration, stood up and placed her hand on Veil's shoulder, demanding, "Why are you always so contrary to me?"

Veil gazed at Draconian and replied, "Well, the monster isn't living behind your back; it resides within yourself. You've chosen your monster; I've chosen my Lucas."

Veil inquired, "Why are you so frustrated?"

Draconian responded, "I'm frustrated, but I'm not a loser."

Draconian withdrew her hand from Veil's shoulder.

Veil shared wisdom, saying, "You won't be punished for your anger; you'll be punished by your anger."

Draconian's eyes widened as she contemplated something devious; her plan was her sustenance.

Inside Draconian's mind, she thought, "Veil, you're a skilled manipulator, but I hold the strings to your puppet. Utilizing you will be my ultimate triumph. Never say never, forever."

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