Chapter 6

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Peter's POV. 

Walking into the school and towards my locker I see Flash. Great what does he want this time. He was leaning against my locker facing the other way. Getting closer I hear him talking to someone. 

"Stay away from Peter, he doesn't need a fatty as a friend." Flash says to the other person.

"Just leave me alone Flash." That voice... Ned.

"Flash. Move." I say getting to my locker interrupting whatever he was just about to say. 

"Peter. My dude." He says trying to be cool.

"Leave before you get a fist to the face." I say with an annoyed tone opening my locker. 

"Come on man. Don't be like that." He says in a fake innocent voice. 

I punch in in the nose, "I warned you. And next time you decide to pick on someone, don't make it in front of me or to my acquaintances. Let's go Ned." I say closing my locker. 

I step over him letting my back foot catch him. 

"That-That was awesome dude. Thank you so much." 

"Whatever. If anyone pick on you tell me. I'll deal with them."

 "So does this mean we're friends?" He asks.

"Sure, you'd be my first one." I say nonchalantly.

"Really!?! I mean it kinda makes sense, but still you're amazing." he rambles. 

"Sure, but when you've been through every school in New York and have enlaced fear in everyone's life it's kinda hard." I say walking into class. 

Walking to my seat, I get a lot of looks, I then see Flash is sitting in his seat with a broken nose. Knowing nobody else has the guts to fight him. As I was the new kid 'I must have gotten some sort of idea' bull he's just a jerk with an attitude. 

Ned walked in behind me taking a seat next to me with MJ behind. They start up a small conversation while I pull out my laptop. I try not to get jealous with Ned being able to talk with MJ but, its none of my business if their friends or not.  

"MJ, you'll never believe what happened this morning."

"What happened loser?" She asked not really paying attention. 

"Peter stood up for me and we're friends now. It was amazing he walked up like it was nothing. Flash tried to talk to him, but he just punched him in the face. It was awesome." Ned kept rambling until MJ jumped in. 

"So, want to introduce me or will I have to do it myself?" 

"Right, right. Peter?" he nudges me shoulder, with an excited tone in his voice.

I give him a small glare for touching me, "Yes?" I say trying not to sound annoyed. 

"This is MJ, she's the most badass person ever well besides Black Widow but still she's amazing." Ned rambles again. 

He really needs to stop rambling, " Peter Paker." I say, looking over at MJ.

"MJ." Was all she said, as she turned back to her book. 

I roll my eyes. Why is she so cute... Ned was about to say something when the bell rang, and the teacher walked in starting the lesson. 

TIME SKIP (lunch)

Walking into the cafeteria was... normal? Everyone was staring at me. Nothing out of the ordinary but on my second day here that's great. I walked to the long lunch line and everyone that hadn't started getting lunch moved. Well, that's new.

I strolled up to the front of the line grabbing the good food before going to find a seat. I saw Ned and he waved me over. I sighed, might as well. I walk over sitting with him and... MJ. Maybe this won't be so bad.

When lunch ended, we headed to our next class. My only class with just MJ. We sat next to each other, as she is also a bit feared by the school. I strike up a conversation with her learned more about her. She likes to read and hates most people, especially Flash. She also like drawing people in shock/fear. She showed me some of her drawings, they were really good and kinda funny. 

"So MJ... would you want to be friends?" I ask getting a bit shy.

"Sure loser. But you dare hurt the other loser and your dead."

I nod and she goes back to reading. The rest of the day goes by rather smoothly. Until last period when I got an email. 

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