Chatpter 7

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"I forgot how much I hated school," I tell Josie as we sit on the bus. Someone took our seat where we sat this morning, so we sat closer to the back. "I think I'll drop out."

"Then you can't get a good job," Joise said and checked her phone. "My nonna is wondering if you and your dad want to come over for dinner."

"Me, yes. My father, no," I laugh and Josie rolls her eyes. "He'll just ruin it."

"Just ask him now so she won't," Josie sighs. "Remember last time?"

I cringe at the remembrance. A couple weeks ago, when Mrs. Sharp invited my father and I over for dinner, I told her that he didn't answer his phone (I never called him) so she took it upon herself to call him and he showed up an hour later pissed off. Of course, he acted friendly and said that my call didn't go through his phone. I got a beating when I got home, but I didn't share that with Joise.

"Okay, okay, I will," I groan and take out my phone. I open contacts and search for Pappa. When I find his contact, my finger hovers over the call button. "Should I text or call him?" I ask Josie.

"Maybe call," Joise suggested. "It'll be quicker."

I take a deep breath in and click call. I put the phone up against my ear and waited. On the third ring, he answered.

"Hva?" he asked gruffly.

"Vil du gå på middag hos Josie's?" I ask, trying not to sound nervous and Josie gives me a thumbs up. I hope he says yes because otherwise I'll have to go to the store and make something for dinner.

"Dinner?" my father questioned over the phone and I heard him sigh over the phone.

"If you want," I say, switching to English when he does. Someone must've walked into his office because he always speaks Norwegian in the house or when he's talking to me. "Mrs. Sharp wanted to know."

"I am working until late," he said and thanked whoever was in the room. "I will not be home until later. And there is no car for you to take."

I got my license over the summer but I've barely driven yet since we only have one car, which my father takes to work. I usually rely on the public city buses or my bike to get to places. I would just take the school bus to Josie's house but I need confirmation from my father first. But if I were to get off at my stop and take the city bus to Josie's there aren't any bus stops where Josie lives out in the "country". There's the main city; Orchard City (where I live) and the north is the suburbs with rich golf country clubs and then the south is considered the country, where there's more rolling hills and farm land.

"Can I have a sleepover with Josie, then?" I ask him hopefully and give Josie a are-you-okay-with-that look. She nods and gives me an excited smile. "Since you're coming home late and all."

"Hvem skal kjøre deg?" my father said, switching back to Norwegian. "fordi det ikke vil være meg."

    I knew he wasn't going to drive me anyways. It's not like I can walk there. "I think Mr. Sharp can drive me?" I answer in Norwegian and give Josie a look. She opens her phone and starts to text her nonno for confirmation. "Or I could stay home, whatever is easier for you."

It was silent on the other side. I glanced over to Josie who gave me another thumbs up and showed me her phone. Her nonno was okay with picking us up from my apartment and driving me to their house. I give her a thumbs up back and wait for my father to answer.

"Where are you right now?" he asked.

"On the school bus," I say.

"You will not allow Josie into the house," my father said clearly. "You need to be home tomorrow after school."

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