Chapter one

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I wake up in this strange room with a muzzle so tight I can't move my mouth and chains on every inch of my body connecting me with the wall. I don't remember anything. I fight to gain complete consciousness, I look around the bland room in front of me completely naked of anything . No table,no chair, no vent, no carpet, Nothing but me and the chilling eeriness of the metal rope constructing me to the wall behind me. I can only remember faint moments before awakening in this room.

I am Nightclaw Conasa, Queen of dragons. I'm an ice dragon but also a mixed hybrid. I have 9 tails but I usually have them formed into one unless I'm threatened, I don't have horns but my ears are larger than other dragons, they are cat ears, these dragons are called dragon cats and there are many of them, there's rain,forest,sea,ocean,snow,ice,medium ice,dark ice , black ice and all 6 fire Types , so far there hasn't been any sand,pattern,mythic or blazzer dragon cats.

I'm a forbidden breed. I have 4 different species in my blood which means I will be very strong and big and will most likely turn against my own kind , I'm part black ice dragon cat , lava type fire dragon , forest, and ocean, because I'm royalty it means I have plenty DNA in my blood but this is the first time that the Conasa dragonettes have had enough of this DNA for it to grow dangerous . I was supposed to be killed at birth but the sudden demise of the attack on my home planet was a distraction and we never found out until I almost wiped the human race with anger. I was so blinded my anger I almost killed my father...

I was lost in my thoughts remembering all these things about me that I hadn't realized guards had entered my room but the man in the middle didn't look like the others. It didn't take long to realize he was the experimenter. It was obvious he was new by his body language. I stood to my full height and spread my wings are far as the clamps would let me, as I emitted a low powerful growl that seemed like it could have made them explode , he stumbled back in complete fear as the guard lifted their guns I lowered my neck until I was eye level with them and managed to open my mouth enough to give a bone chilling roar and they froze. ( my roar is extremely loud) After a few seconds of staring them down I relaxed and they stood there as if time had stopped. I turned to my side and curled up on the floor keeping my head facing the wall away from them. 

I closed my eyes until I felt a pinch in my neck. I wasn't an idiot... I immediately knew what they injected me with "THOSE BASTARDS DRUGED ME!" I said to myself, I stood up so fast I could have taken flight and fought against my chains to get to them, I tried lifting my paws but had no success , I roared with rage and my fur started to look like it was dying as it turned darker and darker until it was black from the little magic I had left through my anger,but it didn't last long because the dart was still in my neck and I was too blinded by anger and sadness to pull it out first and i eventually passed out.

I woke up again in a different room, I had a stitched wound on my neck and as I felt along it I figured it was a tracking device in case I escaped. The room     was much bigger then the previous one, there was a water dish built into the floor like a pond, it had some fish in it, they weren't big but it would work . The container was big enough for two and I got very curious why the big size was needed but I wasn't complaining.I kept looking around until I saw two beds. There didn't look the best but they were beds, it confused me. " Why would I need two beds"as I looked closer I saw another dragon....

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