Chapter 6

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                 ( Sorry i lost motivation for a while)
The time reached 9:30 and it was time for the next class. I was tired from the gym class, unsure how I would continue the day with this exhaustion. We grabbed out things from the gym and headed to room 504 to retrieve our chrome books for the day then on our way to math in room 401 . The rest of the day was like this. Switch classes, learn something then switch to a different class and it was super draining. At the end of they day we all met up at the library. Unfortunately some of our little group of five had to go home right after school and couldn't make it. It was just Dawn. Moonlight and I . Hadley and Sierra had to leave for their homes. " how was your first day" Dawn asked knowing the response wasn't going to be a great day. " how do you humans put up with this for almost an entire year, especially with Canadian winters?" Moonlight said with a lace of irritation " well it's certainly better then that god forsaken lab" I gave her a semi sarcastic look , raising my eyebrows. I was the last to leave . When I got home I decided we couldn't stay on this planet forever. I came here to destroy this damn planet and that's what I'm going to do. As queen it was my job but because of these damn humans I got sucked into their ways but I with turn back to what I was, Back to my original size bigger than this pebble of a planet an wipe this pathetic rock off of our star maps. But god knows how long that's going to take. I soon got tired and went to sleep to dream of a plan for this awful planet's demise.

I woke up and repeated the same day over and over again until the year ended and I finally had a plan. I just had to wait to put this into action. It's was September 1st and I was ready to go to Lindsay Thurber high school but I found out I wasn't going to be with my human friends or moonlight. Except for one who's name was Nel. She looked almost exactly like me ( my now I . Nightclaw Conasa. Has become like a human but has yet to stop calling everyone else human 'cuz it's suspicious). Nel had curly red hair and hazel eyes. The only differences were she was shorter than I was and some say I have heterochromia   But instead of two different coloured eyes I had two colours in each of my eyes. They were hazel with green in the centre and blue around the pupil . But enough of that talk. I was super nervous to go to this new school because the humans. Or should I say. People there didn't know me. Ever since I turned into a human my emotions were out of wack and I had anxiety because my escape was all over the news and some people suspected me because of my odd behaviour. I was so nervous these new people would find out because they were much older and therefore more inelegant then the idiots and the previous school but they ended being just fine. I constantly felt like I was being looked at but I knew I wasn't. I got through the first day and called moonlight immediately " how was your first day" I blurted out almost instantly " it was ok but I really miss you. I wish you could be here" moonlight said sounding very sad. " yeah so do I , but it's just a few more years or so and we will be able to turn back to dragons and go home. Finish the mission we were sent here for" I said lacing hope into my tone as I spoke "  I hope you're right"moonlight said . Her mood clearly lightening up. We stayed on call a little while more until we heard the emergency new come on as they explained how they found where we were. What we looked like and advised everyone to keep out of the area until further notice. Moonlight and I exchanged glances through the tiny screen.... They found us and they were coming. And they were coming quickly...

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